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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. Watching The Championship highlights. Intriguing to see who gets promoted. Quite a few teams in the mix. Cardiff's first goal was a great direct goal. Murphy scoring again for Forest, important win for Villa tho. They needed that.
  2. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/rafa-hes-still-not-happy.1386526/page-230#post-26149186 WTF! Lock that poster away and throw away the key! Wow.
  3. Get in, my sneaky £2 treble landed. Free footlong Subway meal later toneet.
  4. Morata is class like. Looks like another canny Match of the Day.
  6. Honestly could see Sunderland ending with like 2 wins and 4 draws at home this season. Dire.
  7. Class to hear Rafa there. Go for the win, we have enough to win this game. But as I said earlier, a point is totally fine. Howay the lads!
  8. Aye, I think might have been £130K or something? Ultimately I understand the differing opinions on the lad, but we can all agree we got him for a cracking price. Tbh we've had a quite a few "smaller" buys that have worked out as very decent value in the end.
  9. £2 treble on Rotherham, Luton, Dundee United to win £8.74.
  10. If the Pardew stuff is true it's a bit snide, but I've moved on. He clearly is attached to area, and I thought the quotes were great tbh. Ultimately, if we want to get better, we'd need to improve the GK position next season. But he's had a decent start to the season, his attitude is right, we got him for £250K, which is super value.
  11. Liverpool have had a very average start to the season.
  12. Aye, properly mental for turning up 24 hours early. This board is so great
  13. Dangernonce with close to 100K posts. That's a huge amount of s**** posting.
  14. Hasn't posted since Saturday, send out a search party Absolutely pissing myself man
  15. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/dangermows-is-the-lad-ok.1391991/ State of this thread FFS.
  16. His kicking has been a bit shit but he's made some decent saves this season tbf.
  17. Possibly my favourite player atm. Hugely encouraging how many chances he's creating.
  18. Finishing wasn't great on Sat but he works very hard, and for £5 million, is looking a solid buy.
  19. There's 5 good teams in that run, but the rest are beatable. How did they not manage at least a couple of wins?
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