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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. Got a sneaky £5 on Luton, Aberdeen, Hibs to win £18 back.
  2. I've given my opinion. Will support him now he's signed, I hope he contributes well.
  3. That Millwall/Ipswich game sounds class. Cracking start from Cardiff, Wolves, and Ipswich. Lol Villa.
  4. Catching up with MOTD on BBC I Player. That Chelsea/Burnley match was intense. Conte nibbly little interview after the match.
  5. Really pissed me off yesterday. Stupid red. We need him though. I hope he can calm down and have a productive season. He just needs to walk away. Ali is a little snide.
  6. When I've seen him play, I've not been that impressed. He's scored 35 goals since 2009. It's not great. I'm not again buying inexpensive players. We've had a few decent inexpensive buys. But don't see this working out but obviously want to be proved wrong.
  7. His goal record is gash man. There's a reason he's £5 million in this market. I clearly get behind him when he plays, but not what I was expecting.
  8. Should have just kept Murphy if this was the "replacement". This guy isn't any better than Murphy (in fact he's probably worse). I was down for getting rid of Murphy because thought we'd sign a better player and improve the squad. Underwhelming.
  9. I thought people were a little harsh on him at times in the Premier League. He had the odd decent game. He was below-par player but not a disgrace. Last season though. He was very poor in the Championship tbf. Turbo shit. He's not good enough and needs to leave but I don't hate him.
  10. Incredible game. Arsenal looked wank at the back, but very dangerous going forward. Quality header to win it.
  11. The Elliot hate is clearly OTT. This board is class but it's a fairly aggressive board at times
  12. Mackems putting in a decent amount effort tbf, quality clearly lacking though. Derby looking minging.
  13. Lucky pen. Decent finish tbf tho.
  14. But I thought the Championship was piss easy?
  15. Welcome back football. Great stuff
  16. I quite like the 2 tone pink/red color scheme they've got going on A lovely touch
  17. The colour of those seats man So low rent.
  18. We should go round abusing our players and their mams. I'm struggling to think of an example nearby where this hasn't helped. Dangernonce is probably the worst poster of all time. Unreal thread.
  19. Enjoyed the spunk and transfer talk of the last few pages.
  20. If Lucas Perez is available for £13million, we need to be all over that. Gives us more options in the attacking positions, and in this market, pretty solid value IMO.
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