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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. "Showing some passion Marra"
  2. I agree with this. Everytime I watched him, he played well. He got a few goals in limited time. We need more options up front. Not the worst option imo.
  3. Why in the hell did the Mackems invite Celtic for a f***ing game? So obvious s**** like this would happen.
  4. FFS state of City's transfers this summer. I do like Silva, he's a very good signing IMO, but the 3 fullbacks and keeper - they've way overpaid for those players.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2017/jul/20/army-bristol-rovers-tom-broadbent-afghanistan
  6. Respect to Murphy. Good attitude, didn't whinge on, scored some important goals (Brentford away was huge at the time) and always tried his best. Best wishes Daryl.
  7. Rate Assombalonga but his injury record isn't great. I hear ya. He's clearly talented but his injury record is a worry. If he says fit, he'll contribute a lot in that league.
  8. Whoa Boro with the big spend! Going to be an intriguing Championship.
  9. Don't get why we've not been in for Gibbs at 12M like? Weird. Probs could've got Gibbs and Perez both from Arsenal for £26M total. Clearly would've improved us and not a massively inflated fee.
  10. Goodbye sweet prince. Was fully erect at the goal vs Derby away last season.
  11. samptime29

    Jacob Murphy

    English premium but we just need to get this one over the line. If we can pick up centre midfielder soon after this, we can move forward. It's clearly been slow this window but we need this W.
  12. Just nearly spat out my beer. That snide face ffs.
  13. As people have said, if he wasn't such a knob to us, I'd actually like him.
  14. These stories from court have been pretty funny tbf.
  15. Wonder how many tickets we'll get for Bradford? Tempted like.
  16. Possibly has the worst hairstyle in the world. Agreed
  17. Grayson clearly doesn't get the pulses racing, but they'll be comfortably mid-table with him. He won't get you promoted or owt, but solid enough Championship manager imo.
  18. It's fairly early, not too worried, but we do a need couple of signings in the next 2 weeks.
  19. Matic for £40 million? Hmmmmm price too high there IMO.
  20. samptime29

    Matz Sels

    Goodbye sweet Prince.
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