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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. Wow Palace got absolutely dominated here. Beat Chelsea away and get done 5-0 away to City. Football is funny like
  2. Hyped for Rafa to bring him home and sign John Terry on a free.
  3. Choose Gayle (1st goal) at home to Reading. I had the perfect view of it, front row, perfectly in the line with it.
  4. Going to be really tough for them.
  5. samptime29

    Joey Barton

    Rio got 8 months for missing a drugs test, he didn't get a drugs ban. Same thing imo. Mental. How's it mental? To miss a drugs test 3 times, you've either on drugs and trying to evade, or you're so incredibly stupid, that you deserve to punished like you've been taking drugs. Absolutely no excuse for missing 3 drugs tests.
  6. samptime29

    Joey Barton

    Rio got 8 months for missing a drugs test, he didn't get a drugs ban. Same thing imo.
  7. samptime29

    Joey Barton

    I just find it mental that Rio get 8 months for the Drugs ban and Barton gets 18 months for this.
  8. Mixed. I was completely rattled when I went to the Huddersfield home game, and we'd lost 2 out of 2, to start season. But I loved the class 9 game winning run we went on October/November. We've stumbled a little recently but bottom line: we're promoted and the objective is achieved. Looking forward to the play-offs now like. No pressure, lets see who does the business.
  9. As many have said on here, I really think it'll be difficult for them next season. You'll have Boro, another Prem team, plus the 3 teams in play-offs, Norwich, Villa, Sheff United, Cardiff, Wolves etc. It's going to be a real battle for them. They might sneak into play offs in best case scenario, but I honestly think they'll be 10th-12th next season.
  10. https://twitter.com/rudder_safc1/status/736249436544892934 Go on Colin Mcnish lad!
  11. Jesus Christ man. Give it a few weeks before this banter
  12. Give Rafa decent money to spend. This is important.
  13. Get the fuck in! We so needed to get promoted straight away. Ashley needs to back Rafa with some serious cash, and we can rebuild properly.
  14. We've been good second half tbf. Aiming for a combined 50 corners in the Leeds game and this one. Class finish Perez
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