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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. Steve Kean doing a sterling job for Brunei DPMM.
  2. Glenn Hoddle would be a left-field choice.
  3. Gifs from last 5 pages have been different class. More of these please
  4. At work now. Feeling rough. Cracking day. On the drink from 10am-11pm. Enjoyed the match, thought we played well 2nd half. Perez is so mint.
  5. Love this guy. Such a bargain at £1.5 Million.
  6. Took his goal well. Reet in front of me. Enjoyed.
  7. Arsenal were too strong. Thought Giroud was excellent - really caused his problems. Our line up wasn't great - Gouffran just should'nt have played. Said early in the week - Spurs and Mackems games are huge. Win those and we could have a productive season. Lose them, and we're fucked.
  8. samptime29


    Dismal record. 2 wins at this stage of the season is just awful.
  9. FFS Gouffran! Makes no sense ESPECIALLY considering Cisse and Perez are playing.
  10. Going to be very tough tomorrow. We've an awful record against Arsenal, and lots of injuries. Can't see anything other than home win. The Spurs/Mackem games are so vital.
  11. Feels soooo f***ing good Haha you're right though - feels great. I reckon Man Utd might give them a beating this weekend.
  12. Liverpool just so awful this season. No Zest at all. Big 45 mins needed for them here.
  13. samptime29


    Totally agree. They don't lose too many, but 2 wins all season is poor. Defo 3 worse teams than them though.
  14. His contribution to the 2nd goal was excellent. Easily his best game for us. More of this please.
  15. samptime29


    It's always the worst fixture. There's no good result. I agree. Wish they could both lose.
  16. samptime29

    Papiss Cissé

    Great stuff. Great to have Cisse back.
  17. Encouraging that Cisse is back in the goals this season. Needed.
  18. Nearly spat out me coffee. Strong post.
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