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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Plod plod went the midfield,just change it up can't get any worse
  2. quite excited at the prospect of him signing up, imagine more than 35% possession at home games
  3. If it is Gerrard, he'd fancy heaving his boots on having had a close up of our lumbering midfield
  4. those new Saudi young fans `oh yes you fucking black and white beauties ` ` what the fuck is this shit ?` Welcome
  5. occasion euphoria performance lasted about 10 minutes, cue training session like ease for the away team
  6. Like having the best ever weekend on the piss and waking up on the monday with a half eaten doner kebab stuck to your pillow and you can't prise the fucker off
  7. Gayle has the movement and composure to score freely in the premier league, given the service
  8. Bit mackemesque the Pardew comparisons. Different league, really
  9. Wil need to calm it down, this one. No early goal conceded and we will be fine
  10. Informative article, pesky typo's aside
  11. Drysalters?Has me chokin for a pint right now never mind tomorrow
  12. Wasn't tryin to diss ya About ya alo piss ya But ya cannot be a cock, bro About me being from Morro -co
  13. I wouldn't, they are fucking insufferable, man. Last one I worked with was during their spell challenging at the top with Dreary O Blarney, and every day without fail he would come up and say ' Cartoon Army' , in that horrible fucking accent
  14. Haha what the fuck are they?! Where's the 10inch red docs?
  15. Holloway

    Rolando Aarons

    Sickener for him, might as well start his coaching badges
  16. Gives me such a thrill to read how we are being run behind the scenes. The point about being patient is a pertinent one, because we are on the start of a fookin roll here, and we mustn' t get carried away
  17. I' ve never seen Grolsch and Coors at the match, it' s been Carling and fucking Cafferys
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