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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. We'll beat these highly educated pricks this evening ?
  2. Delighted with this, he`s rock solid. Some upgrade to our defence in the window, fucking well done to all
  3. He`ll be running the show by the end of the season
  4. Holloway

    Jacob Murphy

    His face when he hugs Fraser after he`s popped the rebound in
  5. Yeah Wood completely lost his man but Dubs has to come for that with a little more conviction, he just raised a paw at it
  6. 4 straight defeats for Brighton,hard to believe watching that
  7. Was nowhere for their goal there,very weak effort. Having quite an iffy season
  8. Fraser looked knackered coming off there.Hanging on here
  9. Let the managers take one
  10. Engaging final, it's going to pelanties
  11. Proper little scuffle of the short arses at the end ,there
  12. Nope,not happy with a draw at home with these. Our improvement is gaining pace even without our most potent threat and there's a twatting awaiting someone
  13. Some final this,not a striker on the pitch
  14. Mount's hair hasn't survived the 90
  15. Fuck knows how this is still 0-0
  16. Wouldn't swap him for anyone. Interested to see where he goes with the Shelvey/ Bruno puzzle
  17. Yeah,I'd certainly keep him in there till Wilson returns. He's looked a decent finisher elsewhere but he's wilting a little in front of goal, desperately needs one
  18. Splendid day at the office, exactly what was required after the early red. Should put paid to the fretting about Burnley ?
  19. Just having a little spell here Brentford, Toney about to come on . Time seems ripe for Bruno
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