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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Holloway


    Can we get a suitable partner for him in midfield hehe I never thought I'd think that nevermind fucking say it
  2. Holloway


    This fooker has Ruud Gulliit potential
  3. He's up and inspired big Joe further showcase his talent
  4. Slim loss after a stirring performance due to some cruelty or other in the final 5
  5. Holloway


    Seen a great deal of improvement from him in nearly all aspects of his game bar the finishing side,whether it be making a crucial pass or putting one away.hope he steps up to it, his attitude looks bang on
  6. it`ll be better than the unable to get it over the line shite we have endured for years. I hope we can feast on the fucker
  7. looks dozy as fuck,Lascelles training partner
  8. that would do for a setting
  9. Holloway


    Another good display,but struggled to make the final ball
  10. Can't wait to see the back of some of these players. Despite the obvious limitations of their ability in a fair number of them, the application of their playing time has come up short,they've looked clueless in testing situarions
  11. Some real cloggers out there like,and thick as submarine doors
  12. I`m stoned, it`s not funny like
  13. fair point, he`s a thrilling player, has world class potential if he can improve his finishing and match awareness/vision
  14. I think many of that tough crowd are just a little exasperated at schoolyard dribbles with no end product,and the lack of awareness to learn from it, which is what we are witnessing imo,and it's become elevated because it's crunch time. Willock, I haven't a scooby what's happened there, but I live amongst Gooners and haven't met one yet who has rated him,so maybe he put the cape on to save Brucie
  15. The 'turn' ? Observations that are plain to see, he's hardly droppable at this stage.
  16. Not quite the threatened pummelling, and some cheer to be had in the second half showing. Some resilience and character and attacking intent. Approach play remains on the timid side
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