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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. What a shitpit this area is. Walked forever looking for a pub and there is fuck all around.Went into the ground early and there is an alcohol ban in the upper tier away section, the only place in the ground where there is. People are going mental
  2. That's where he is, not getting a game, should be at the top of the tree with his talent. Look at Ibrahim and his application at the age of 34. Worlds apart.
  3. Missus grew up near the Baggies, wants to show me round
  4. Their bitterness surfaces for some reason when we visit their place. For years we have scoffed at the sheer wankstainy behaviour of their fans. I' m going for some more, hope we fucking batter them
  5. Holloway


    Are you talking about Ruud Gullitt, when was he a striker?
  6. No pride in a cup win because of weakened opponents ? Fuck off man
  7. Someone behind me shouted that Obafimi Martins leapt like a salmon.Owld gadgee 2 seats away muttered 'aye, and Shola leaps like a kipper'. Good laugh then we got back to the game
  8. Cups with fucking handles and ribbons on them
  9. We've fluked it already?
  10. It's probably an observation,about pirrouetting.
  11. Been going since the year after we last won silverware so aye I' ll take a cup win
  12. Feels like I' ve overrated his potential the more I see him, not showing enough improvement at this stage and it's a bit of a let down
  13. De-Pardewed and Re-Benitezed have a certain glow about them
  14. The sublime skill masks the push with the left arm, but howay let it go
  15. I'm getting greedy and warming up to the prospect of a half decent cup run
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