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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Liverpool,Arsenal, Chelsea and Leicester in their next 5
  2. My Dad saw the Fairs cup win in 69 and continued to go all the way through till Rafa left. He`s 85 now and not in great health. I`m desperate for him to see some of the (hopefully) good times coming our way
  3. Jim Beglin seemed particularly upset at that PEA miss on my stream
  4. Agree about Ritchie, he`s become a liability in his defensive duties, lack of awareness, poor positioning and rash mistimed tackles. What`s Jetro up to these days ?
  5. Somewhat ragged but the shape will improve. Darlow is shot to pieces,some of his decision making was horrifying
  6. Been nowhere but the training pitch too ,fucks sake
  7. Jinxy Jimmy Smith discovered a new pastime- nutmegging Liverpool and England captain Emlyn Hughes
  8. Lewis needs some scrutiny, the rest are boxed up
  9. Desperation has crept into his performances,that`s how he is reacting to the general malaise. His touch is off, and he`s flapping about. Hope the new manager can calm him down and boost his confidence
  10. waste of time defensively, I was watching him dropping back, he was just fannying about doing little 3 yard sprints nd sticking his arse out
  11. Never quite happens for big Jow, a glimpse then deflation every time
  12. Terrible touch from Miggy there, his confidence looks shot to bits
  13. The camera caught Potter there mid realisation with a glint in his eye that was saying ' fuck me I knew these were bad,but not quite this fucking tragic '
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