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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. I'd cry my eyes out if we won the fucking derby
  2. Sounds like Rafa is a right cunt if you are a soppy cunt of a footballer, hallelujah to the fucking queen.
  3. The little posse that follow him about are funny though, I go ....and 3 - 2 -1 and then they appear l
  4. The away games in the Championship are mint man, get in touch with your inner Charver, new chants and that, like
  5. It's made to worry about Palace at home but it's that cunt's lingering presence that is causing some unease. I like to think of the big lass in Tom and Jerry, you only ever seen her lower legs, but she just shooed you out of the room
  6. If he is getting some minutes surely he is not such a funding waster as painted on here ?
  7. Needs pointed and placed, will function. His bracket is agitation
  8. This is not the best place for a measured response on a match thread like, emotions (negative ) running riot Was expecting their goals to be a couple of gifts from our site defence
  9. It's going to the wire, grey and baldies all owa the forum. Desperate for Leicester to wrap it up.
  10. Good comeback,good point. Showing a bit of character at last
  11. online persona versus face to face interaction, well that's a toughie Liverpool fans are alright man, they get on just fine with Geordies in my experience
  12. Quite thrilled to witness the emergence of a leader at centre back, it has happened very quickly and has been high profile. Young and inexperienced at this level, he is growing every game and the feeling is he is here to stay.
  13. Well yeah, that was a hindsight response to ' glad he didn't square it'
  14. Seeing we didn't score, I would have liked to seen him square it.
  15. That scenario where Spurs need to beat us to take the title and we need to win to stay up is creeping g along nicely
  16. Not as bad as the hystericals are screaming, but a captain......nah. Who could be good Skipper? I was thinking Janmaat , but he has developed a shrinking heart and a club foot
  17. Holloway

    Alan Shearer

    Yeah the God thread is a bit of a cringey title
  18. Holloway


    Relegation will probably seal a new deal for the fistpumper general,local lad up for the fight,been there before etc Please get someone else
  19. no more humpings,just narrow defeats from now just to increase the headfuck value :'(
  20. Beautiful young striker,hope we lose him though,he really deserves better
  21. Well yeah but he has also looked like a marvellous asset on a few games,so you have to wonder what the fuck has happened. Collective malaise,horrible bastard syndrome ?
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