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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. I' ve never fucking heard of him, any good?
  2. Holloway

    Football pet hates

    When players taking corners insist on having almost all of the ball over the line to give them some obscure advantage, then proceed to either fail to clear the first defender or lamp it right over everyone waiting for it, and it runs out for a throw in
  3. If they want to leave, fuck them out the door.
  4. Owld Pards won't take Palace down man, Parish too astute for that. 13th then 16th will see him punted to the retirement home
  5. He went on one of his runs, jizz was flying
  6. Doubt a manager can instill heart and courage, he is a little fooking shitehawk
  7. Anyway,had a fiver on Cameron to vomit live on TV, can I put that on here?
  8. Hard work hovering over the cash out button, got Italy -Belgium less than 2.5 goals, sweating like a Pardew
  9. I read his patter there in his voice, couldn't help it
  10. Everyone on here has now got one so you won't be able to check, unfortunately.
  11. I hope the list of tossers who are exiting by choice or gently guided through the door extends to Gouuff and Rivelinho, Colo and Gini Wini etc, would be so fucking liberating
  12. Thinks he had a good season, makes me want to fucking puke
  13. Towns end can consider himself unlucky to miss out the way he finished the season, wouldn't swap him for Sterling.
  14. Winnets, a jewel hiding in the crack of the English language
  15. I always thought the saying was ' as dull as ditchwater', but never mind
  16. Holloway

    Steven Taylor

    Another boil lanced, geedup.
  17. Will handpick a few home and away, feels like the start of something brewing. My elderly parents renewing simply because of Mr Rafa Benitez.
  18. Emotional few hours and Donald Crump can't spoil it.
  19. Aye, same here, which is devastating having returned home after a decade but I'm not giving that c*** a f***ing penny. Will have to see about the most friendly away games to take the bairn to, see if I can get her into it. We've just moved close to Middlesbrough so all she's hearing about is Boro atm. Gonna have to nip that in the bud. Leeds away is like running through meadows with flowers in your hair
  20. Too many stiffy's for the Pards floppies
  21. Looking forward to Jose at Man U, pissing all over their attacking chips
  22. Some fine poetry, but what is blaow is it a Pardle?
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