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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Is that a mock up? His head is bigger than his torso
  2. Holloway

    Steve McClaren

    John fucking Barnes man, turned up for the start of one season weighing in at 16 stone having spent the whole pre-season camped out at MacDonalds. Little bullet heed on a big blubbery body,like George Foreman before he brought his grill out
  3. Aye, he's been playing every week
  4. Everyone bar SdJ who got admitted to hospital with severe heart palpies due to the excitement of it all
  5. We won't get smashed like, not with this kind of lift the whole club has been injected with. Can't wait to see the line up.
  6. Keen anticipation to see if he kicks on under the new set up
  7. Some decent craic on the Rawk site, the visit to Anfield 23rd April should be a rousing occasion. They fucking hate Hippoheed,like
  8. The malbec is out, a big pipe of bush awaits,gonna cackle me tits off to this little episode
  9. What will you do if they do win it and we go down,will you be out celebrating the miracle?
  10. Holloway

    Steve McClaren

    Can't sack,hire or loan without the place reeking of shit to the high heavens,man
  11. Holloway

    Steve McClaren

    He has proved in his time here the only thing he can manage is a big ginger cheesey fucking grin
  12. Fuck me sideways, it's happening
  13. That's easy, when he starts Colback for every remaining game
  14. Holloway

    Steve McClaren

    Don't have an ounce of sympathy for the ginge, grinning when not winning
  15. Eeeh, this is nearly as exciting as when HBA signed, honestly man give it a fucking rest for 10 minutes
  16. McClaren still grinning like a ginger chimp in that article man
  17. Ah, that heady mix of surprise, delight and fear, where have you been my old friend?
  18. Holloway

    Steve McClaren

    Actually lacks the self awareness to see the colossal failing,this cunt. Throw in that stupid fixed fucking smile and the rehearsed sound bites,he's giving me curly fucking teeth
  19. Holloway

    Steve McClaren

    So Sissoko has been having private recovery sessions,that's going well,then.
  20. Holloway


    Ok, first of all, who are they going to sack? Margaret Byrne? do you think she was the only one aware? don't you think she will have spoke to Short? he is her immediate boss and she i not the top of the tree, he can't sack himself? he IS the boss, he owns the whole shebang. with all previous lighthearted comments aside before any final judgement was made i find it absolutely f***ing disgusting that they oknew what he had done after being privvy to the messages etc As for your comments about a quick fondle in the back of the car, you really need to give your head a shake, he has been found guilty of 3 out of 4 charges with a girl who had just turned 15yrs old ffs. he has gone out with the intention of getting as much sexual pleasure from a 15yr old child as he could Your whole club and the majority of your sick pathetic fans disgust me - you included Wow,this is up there with celebrating a mackem goal that puts them above us and us back in the relegation spot to satisfy a bit of Pardfail lust,it's downright kiddy fiddley in the obsession stakes
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