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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. You`re right as far as I can remember, it went `fuck off Peyter Reid` though. We were at this pub at Villa around that time and the track by the Monkees (how apt) just got played on a loop for about an hour
  2. Aye bring the old ones back. Still think our finest moment was rhyming Peyter Reid with monkey`s heed, that`s move over John Lennon territory
  3. I`d sooner have Alli than Lingard, Ramsey and that tart from Norwich
  4. Holloway


    The increased awareness he`s shown has been a revelation, he`s great at nicking the ball off opponents through his anticipation
  5. Could tell he was in the mood from the off yesterday, had an urgency about him that is all too rare. Also saw a few pics of him afterwards and he was beaming, which is rarer still
  6. Would be glorious if we can help drag these scummy bastards into the mix
  7. Loved how we kept going forward there, should really have wrapped it up and saved me the palpies
  8. Shout out to Manqs coming on there, he won everything and set the free kick up for the goal
  9. Notable absence of certain posters since the goal,eh
  10. Wood is Lurch out of the fucking Adams family
  11. Fraser put that away you fucking plank, my heart is on 300bpm
  12. I'd put that one down to tenacious play by Manqs
  13. Lascelles has done his hammy,not sure how I feel about that as Clark trots on...
  14. Both Trippier and Dummet need to get closer to their men, especially the latter.Raphinia looking dangerous as fuck
  15. Fraser has lost something from his Bournemouth days,I'd hoy Murphy on at the hour mark
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