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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. Great, that useless sack of beans can't go away fast enough.
  2. Would be grand if Anita welcomed him with open arms and we'd get a headline like "Anita welcomes Koks" or "Anita fancies Koks" or "Anita likes Koks".
  3. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02327/pardewshove_2327644b.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/03/01/article-0-1BF08D0A00000578-962_634x471.jpg
  4. http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/59984119.jpg
  5. Don't think he's even Championship level to be honest. Should probably slog around in League 2 or Conference.
  6. Imagine everyone's reaction when Baloonhead sits right next to that creepy grin of Brollyman next week.
  7. Nattfare

    Arsene Wenger

    http://dulye.com/sites/default/files/raise%20hand.jpg Google Translated it to be more precise.
  8. Page 666 and still no one coming in. This club really is run by Satan.
  9. Nattfare

    Arsene Wenger

  10. Nattfare

    Arsene Wenger

    You seem like the most erudite person I've seen on here
  11. Nattfare

    Remy Cabella

    Woodman "See Steve, this is what happens when you don't float it to Willo" Something happens when he hears the music...It's his freedom. It's his fire. It's his life. What a feeling.
  12. We're rumored to be bringing in No-Wan from South Korea and Ko Ming from China last I heard.
  13. Nattfare

    Remy Cabella

    I call this technique, "The Flying Mantis". Add those "swish" "swosh" sounds to give it old Hong-Kong movies effect.
  14. Nattfare

    Players in public

    I'd have walked towards him, fist clenched, with a thousand profanities going through my head trying to figure out how best to make him realise that the fans are getting incredibly frustrated. And then meekly say, "Hi Lee"
  15. Why do they always express surprise over the regime making very little effort in even pleasing the majority of the fans? Upsetting the fans is as normal to them as to having to take a shit every day if you don't want to feel congested while suffering stomach pains.
  16. Lemina sounds like he is too much of a fret on the ball(s) for us.
  17. Maybe they tried to get rid of him? Only no one even wanted to touch him even with pliers attached to a long barge pole?
  18. Japan was the better team. Fact. So you just wanted to tell us you know nothing about football then? Yes. I also think that Newcastle plays some of the best football in the world and that is why I support them. Fact.
  19. http://cdn.themetapicture.com/media/funny-gif-cat-staring-cute.gif
  20. Are you sure he's not carrying a dead beaver on his head?
  21. Japan was the better team. Fact.
  22. We'll sign him up for the board.
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