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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. What other clubs in the world are hopeful of signing players in the upcoming weeks?
  2. I wish Carroll would retire so that they can stop linking him to us.
  3. "We really tried hard to bring a new striker over the line. As it is, we still managed to sign Baku Coné for a modest fee to please the fans."
  4. Anyone from that dynasty would be too old I feel.
  5. Yep, his name is Karl Darlow.
  6. "Low budget magic mirror on the wall, who's the most profitable player of them all? What big name can we make a bid forth, that there won't be any risk that we will get?"
  7. Nattfare

    John Carver

    Looks photoshopped. Poorly done if it is real. But that's the Chron for you I guess.
  8. Nattfare

    John Carver

    http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/4407176/bernard-black-books-o.gif About time those two clowns got the boot!
  9. Nattfare

    Lee Charnley

    What an embarrasing and pathetic joke of a club this is with this guy in charge. Still even if he loses his job it will probably be the kit man who gets it next. So sick and tired of it and I wonder if I will even bother to follow the club at all next season.
  10. Best of luck to him! Hopefully a decent club will pick him up.
  11. Nattfare

    Ryan Taylor

    Great guy and all that. But good riddance footballing wise.
  12. They use a moneyball type database and a transfer committee. Aka a roulette wheel with the hottest transfer targets of 2012 on it. To me it sounded more like they're going through the database of the Football Manager series.
  13. If Ashley baught Liverpool this guy would probably cry so much that he'd drown all of Great Britain in a flood.
  14. Considering that Eva Carneiro is their physio it makes you wonder why they don't get injured to get to visit the sick room more often.
  15. Still we've had this many injuries for years and years before this one and I think ol' Derek has been here during all that time. Is he solely to blame? Probably not, but I still think he should take his fair share of it.
  16. He's putting quite a few of his team mates to shame over this. Being more fit than them despite what he has gone through.
  17. That was class like!! The slo-mo on the tv was brilliant, carver's face bouncing up and down towards him and Jonas runs straight past without even a glance. The horror I'd feel if he'd be doing that on me. Must have taken a lot of will to be able to not look at that approaching you, well done Jonas!
  18. Nattfare

    John Carver

    The mere thought of it scares me.
  19. Nattfare

    John Carver

    He just never stops the shameless c***. He'll mention Jackie Milburn and Hughie Gallacher next.
  20. Every time he gets a chance his legs turns into jelly.
  21. If Carver gets the job I expect there to be a riot.
  22. Got more heart in his pinky toe than most of the rest in the squad.
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