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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. Cut him some slack, man. He's probably been busy dealing with his four wives, fifteen mistresses and sixtyseven mothers in-laws. With the amount of pink champagne he will have drunk because of this, I wouldn't be surprised if he has wobbled over a cliff somewhere.
  2. Nattfare

    John Carver

    It's like those kids shows where the host will read letters that watching kids have sent to them. "And here's a letter from little Fabio who wishes that he had a pony and a flying carpet. For the next show he wants us to educate about marriage and to help him find his friend Chucky who he has lost in a game of Hide and Seek..." This entire club is just so bizzare.
  3. What pointless thread is this? Joe Kinnear and John Carver are the greatestestestest of football.
  4. Probably stepped on too high grass or something. Who needs Vuckic when we have De Jong?
  5. Darlow Taylor - Lacelles - Dummett - Gouffran Colback - Gouffran Gouffran - Gouffran - Ameobi Armstrong
  6. Haven't even bothered to read it.
  7. Nattfare

    John Carver

    That Danny Mills was ever considered to be good enough to play on international level is a travesty on its own.
  8. Probably locked down in a cellar by one of his mother in laws.
  9. Nattfare

    Lee Charnley

    Don't know what you're all talking about. Choreley is doing a good job so far... I've seen fans elsewhere say that he is very respected in the football world. So it must be true.
  10. http://rs971.pbsrc.com/albums/ae191/solosoloblackdude/av-37625.gif~c200
  11. Ben Arfa is the incarnation of Satan. It's his fault that we had those losing streaks when he came on to turn around our 3-0 defeats and failed.
  12. Having to be on the same pitch as Tin Foil Mike should be warrant enough to give him a red.
  13. Poor Carver is probably getting a DNA overload when he is looking at him.
  14. Nattfare

    Steve McClaren

    His umbrella would probably do a better job than Carver. Give it a five year deal pronto.
  15. I'd settle for peanuts... but Ashley, Chorely and Licky Luke will be greedy and demand a few pies for him.
  16. Phone must be going mental with offers You have 5 missed calls: Pards Pards Carver Pards The tatooist
  17. Nattfare

    Steve McClaren

    I have a funny feeling of deja vu here.
  18. http://www.troll.me/images/you-shall-not-pass-gandalf/you-shall-not-play.jpg
  19. Nattfare

    Rio Ferdinand

    Terrible news... my thoughts go with him and his family. Cancer really is a shit disease.
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