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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Been waiting for the results for my 6 month CT scan and got the all clear today.....I swear to God I've actually been more nervous/anxious waiting for this fucking takeover to complete, it's certainly taken my mind off the other that's for sure. I definitely feel that they've been given the green light today, so am just off to Rehills to buy myself a load of quality celebratory ales.
  2. It's The Dentist. No, sorry, he's Football Incisor. You should get a plaque for that. Just for filling us in? Nice of him to share his wisdom with us. Announcement tomorrow. 2:30 Nice. One of the first jokes I ever remember my Grandad telling me that one.....brought back some happy memories.
  3. waiting on the tony caig bombshell to drop myself Just had a text from Bjarni Guðjónsson who says it's all good.
  4. Yeah yeah , but have the Saudi government been showing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on their snide Dousney Channel or not?
  5. Name and shame anyone who has said this......really can't be chewed to trawl through and find it.
  6. Which stories? The new piracy evidence & the clubs opposing the deal stuff.
  7. Was convinced it was done, but these stories look like leaks from the PL paving the way for a rejection......hope I'm wrong. Our sliding doors moment, and once again it's defeat rescued from the jaws of victory.....this is NUFC, this is how we roll.
  8. Unless you know someone who works at the PL, how could you possibly know that?
  9. We need a word or two from Gorgeous George to calm the nerves.......something........anything. Or maybe this is the real reason Steve Kray took a Twitter break this week?
  10. You'd imagine this is purely desperation from Bein and a delaying tactic, hard to imagine they've suddenly uncovered smoking gun evidence at this late stage. Massive pain in the arse mind and just adds to everyone's anxiety. Fuck this.
  11. There was a lad in my year that was adamant that Kane and The Undertaker were his uncles. There was a kid in my area known for his tall tales. He reckoned a bit of the Challenger ended up in his back garden after the shuttle disaster.....and he also claimed he had a plastic toe.
  12. UncleBingo


    Feels like the next couple of weeks could be a real Sliding Doors moment in North East football. A real prospect we won't be considered rivals for a long long time.
  13. Fixed Well, yeah. There is that. Aaaaaaand that's bollocks. Abysmal ffs. Utterly ludicrous. I honestly think some of the latter day fans really don't know the true meaning of abysmal, as far a footballers go.
  14. UncleBingo


    Poor fucker spent a fortune on them clearing the debt yet he's being begrudged taking a comparatively little chunk out. Short hosed approx £260M on them, walked away with fuck all and is called worse that shite by the MLF's. Ashley will walk away with a tidy profit from NUFC (& all advertising/merch over the years) and they call us ungrateful and deluded. Mackematics.
  15. What happened to it? It became a bit pally when people became mates on Facebook and then outside of the forum, so kind of lost it's edge. It was also locked down for any new blood, simply because of some of the outrageous stuff that was said in there. There's a skeleton board still operating but it's just more of the same stuff between about 20 posters....a shadow of it's former self sadly.
  16. Ahem. There's a few ex Skunkers on here, myself included.
  17. And your source is? Upper echelons of the club. Are you the same poster who claimed they used to have a season ticket in the Clock Stand at SJP? I remain sceptical.
  18. It's pretty in depth for a simple fan site mind. It could be their PR dept website for English speakers.....either way, would be very surprised for them to be reporting anything that wasn't true or would embarrass them in any way. I'm in.
  19. He created some fake WhatsApp messages from Midhat (from the BZG group) “confirming” the takeover had gone through. Astonishing to watch his reputation disintegrate in real time in the thread as people called him out on it... That whole episode was most bizarre. WTF came over him? :lol:
  20. Reliable source or you actually know? From the risk team at Barclays. It's second hand info I concede but I 100% trust that I'm not on the end of a wind up myself. Reason they would be informed is in the covenant for the loan/overdraft - change of ownership in the business is a material event. Does nothing for the timing mind, still got to keep glued to SSN for that Nice one, cheers.
  21. The clock stand marra? My first game was against QPR at the end of the 77-78 relegation season. A 0-3 hammering, first time I'd heard my Dad swear. The old wooden west stand for grown-ups! Was always just known as the West Stand in my day. There was a Clock Stand at Roker Park.
  22. The clock stand marra? My first game was against QPR at the end of the 77-78 relegation season. A 0-3 hammering, first time I'd heard my Dad swear.
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