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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. UncleBingo


    Brilliant that HTT, you must be proud as punch. Best of luck to your lad. Absolutely disgusting that a team with NUFC's resources isn't the go to place in this part of the country, but that's Ashley for you.
  2. argued with that same bloke as well about injuries. He's an idiot that kid.....I had an argument with him when Perez was sold as he tried to say that Leiceter were no more ambitious as a club than NUFC!
  3. UncleBingo


    Eh? Nah, you're alright. That would be UncleBingo Indeed.
  4. Totally agree UncleBingo. I had the pleasure of meeting you at one of our group meetings in The Labour Club. We were so passionate about our club. Sadly that passion has diminished and both my wife and I relinquished our season tickets after 30 years at the beginning of this season. What was most shocking and sad was the fact our own supporters treated us with disdain. We asked for a few minutes delay to enter our seats prior to the West Ham game. The abuse we took from our fellow supporters broke the camels back for me. I am not name calling all our fans but I somehow feel vindicated that they are witnessing some of the worst orchestrated and poorly run club affairs that I have ever seen witnessed. Let them eat cake! Alright mate, hope you're well. Aye, it's a sad state of affairs alright, and like you say, the reaction by some of our so called fans to those trying to a least try and make a difference absolutely sickened me too.....we tried at least, let them own this shitshow.
  5. This. Fuck the utter morons who booed him, no doubt the 'support tha team' wankers.
  6. Chickens coming home to roost for Bruce & Ashley.......it's all so fucking predictable. Thankfully, I'm not part of it anymore. Fuck Sports Direct FC.
  7. Jesus, this team are absolutely phenomenal.
  8. Still haven't heard a single word that the fat mess has said since he became manager, as I have managed to completely avoid nufc on all forms of media this season. It's been most liberating.
  9. UncleBingo


    Bumped into a lad at Peterborough walking in the town with his kids and asked him why he had a toon top on then offered him out behind a taxi office ffs. The man is a toucher Fuck's sake, what an absolute whopper.
  10. Apparently Rafa wanted to sign Fati.
  11. UncleBingo


    Eh? Nah, you're alright. That would be UncleBingo Joeshinton already? :lol: You people are actually pathetic. Samt hing you did last season in Rondon's early games, and Ki as well. When will you learn? You're talking out of your arse son, I never said a word about Rondon or Ki, in fact I always said Rondon would be a good signing. Get your facts right. It's the same shortsighted and unintelligent mindset. He played very well today, not sure one performance makes him a £40M player though. Not sure why you requoted the bit about Rondon & Ki mind, considering you were talking out of your arse. Alright, alright. Was just being cheeky. No malice intended. I accept you didn't slate Rondon and Ki, that was more of a general comment. I have removed that bit just for you, in my original comment. You quoted it though, so alas I cannot help you there Fair enough fella. Was very impressed and surprised with how he played today, more than happy to be proved wrong here.
  12. UncleBingo


    Eh? Nah, you're alright. That would be UncleBingo Joeshinton already? :lol: You people are actually pathetic. Samt hing you did last season in Rondon's early games, and Ki as well. When will you learn? You're talking out of your arse son, I never said a word about Rondon or Ki, in fact I always said Rondon would be a good signing. Get your facts right. It's the same shortsighted and unintelligent mindset. He played very well today, not sure one performance makes him a £40M player though. Not sure why you requoted the bit about Rondon & Ki mind, considering you were talking out of your arse.
  13. Yet you are calling people idiots. Only those that called me an idiot first. Keep it coming. What's next? Can I refer you to post #296. I mildly suggested that I was sceptical that Joeshinton doesn't look like a £40M footballer and you completely overreacted, 'saying you people are pathetic' and accusing me of writing other players off that I'd never said a bad word about. Take a look at your own actions before you start having a go at everyone.
  14. Absolutely pathetic that, Bruce as utterly clueless as I thought he would be. I'd be staggered if we're not relegated.
  15. Joeshinton already? :lol: You people are actually pathetic. Samt hing you did last season in Rondon's early games, and Ki as well. When will you learn? You're talking out of your arse son, I never said a word about Rondon or Ki, in fact I always said Rondon would be a good signing. Get your facts right. It's the same shortsighted and unintelligent mindset. What, because I can spot a dud player? Don't be such a pretentious berk man.
  16. Joeshinton already? :lol: You people are actually pathetic. Samt hing you did last season in Rondon's early games, and Ki as well. When will you learn? You're talking out of your arse son, I never said a word about Rondon or Ki, in fact I always said Rondon would be a good signing. Get your facts right.
  17. I got slaughtered for saying this about Mitrovic after one game, but I'm mighty sceptical that Joeshinton will ever be a £40M footballer.
  18. Predictable and depressing in equal measures. From Rafa and a Dubai takeover, to Steve Bruce's team lumping it up to Carroll within 3 months is canny impressive even by our standards. :lol:
  19. I think that we're witnessing the beginning of the end for SD in all honesty, the brand is now toxic.....the beauty is, Ashley won't admit to himself that he's wrong and continue to chuck money at it. I think they'll be gone from the high street within a few years personally.
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