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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Not after bites mate. Said nothing that can be construed as factually incorrect! Anyway, if you want to discuss your nonsense im happy to do it over DM. Im sure these fine folk don't want to hear it Have you accepted that Trump lost the election yet?
  2. Can somebody sum up the last 5 pages please, as I can't be arsed to read through.
  3. Jesus wept......he's even more full of shit than Pardew this cunt.
  4. Spoke to my colleague Mihail in our Sofia office who is a massive CSKA fan. They're all excited over there as Pards is described as an 'English football specialist with lots of experience and contacts in the game'......he asked why I was laughing so much down the phone. Also, the word Pardew in Bulgarian can be translated as 'I farted'.
  5. I think there's something in that. I always remember around the time that we signed Tino, I read this article by Brian Clough in one of the tabloids. He said that when he was manager of Notts Forest, during their title-winning season, he was very tempted to make sure of success by buying another player towards the end of the transfer window. In the end, he decided to hold his nerve, because a new player at that stage might be difficult to integrate, and might be seen by his existing squad as a vote of no confidence in them. For those reasons, he decided against entering the transfer market, and he now had similar doubts as to whether it was wise for Keegan to buy Tino. We'll never know for sure whether things would have turned out differently if Keegan had done differently, but I've since been inclined to think that Clough made the right call. Tino was a good player all right, but he wasn't the player we needed. Including him meant that the Sir Les - Pedro partnership, which had been so fruitful, was disrupted, with Beardsley being pushed out right. The weak link in the side, and the player that should have been replaced, was Gillespie. We needed a wide player. I recently saw an interview with Sir Les, where he himself said that changing the line-up to bring in Tino was a significant error. It's not that Tino can be held 'to blame'. It's just that he was the wrong player at the time. Sir Les was brilliant and I've got all the time in the world for him, but the truth is he wasn't able to adapt his game to play alongside Tino. Which is not really surprising and can easily lead one to think it was the wrong decision. Personally I thought Les went missing in the second half of the season whereas Tino seemed to be fine when the pressure was on. That finish against Liverpool in th famous 4-3, he was cool as a cucumber. So yeah, while I'm a big Les fan, think that wasn't quite the whole story there. Those figures for goals and finishes bear out his effectiveness and I agree with Optimistic that he got scapegoated a bit. Ferdinand stopped hitting the back of the net, Beardsley started to show his age, but personally I thought the introduction of Batty to the team had more of an impact than Asprilla. Batty was a good player no doubt, but I think the dynamic of the team changed and we were a better team with Clark in the middle. A half decent keeper and we would have wrapped the title up as well. Still hurts like a motherfucker.
  6. Yep. From someone who works there.
  7. The word from Darsley Park is that Bruce's coaching sessions consist of him walking around the pitch with his dog, while the other Steves carry out the routines. 'Light years away' from what they were doing under the previous manager apparently......which will come as no great surprise to anyone.
  8. Source I’m getting the snippets from definitely knows more than he’s letting on and the bits of information he does pass on have usually happened 2-3 days ago (at least). Possibly Staveley winning her court case and taking a bigger percentage of the club?
  9. Calling Delaney a lego headed cunt could have quite easily got him a Twitter ban, speaking as someone who has also had a ban for dropping the c bomb.
  10. He's clearly been told by Staveley that it's done now......clearly PIF don't fancy another round of humiliations from the PL by appealing the decision. The fat lady has sung.
  11. I was there on Saturday too and thoroughly enjoyed it, my local club so will definitely be going back. Might take in some Benfield games too. That miss at the end though.....poor kid!
  12. And seemingly gives even less of a fuck about the club than in previous years, if that were even possible. What a time to be alive.
  13. Mine was a quote from the same film if you're wondering, I'm not normally so rude. I did think "fuck you" Cheers :lol: One of the greatest dark comedies of all time, get it watched.
  14. Mine was a quote from the same film if you're wondering, I'm not normally so rude.
  15. obviously you’re not a golfer Don't play as much now but have played golf since I was 14 and I still don't get it Sooner or later you are going to have to face the fact that you’re a moron.
  16. Aye, that's right mate. Staveley put together a consortium of the one of the world's biggest investment funds & Britain's wealthiest men, created a number of limited companies, researched & put together a 350 page brochure, spent millions of pounds on expensive lawyers and put down and £17M nonrefundable deposit, because she knew it was going to fail and just wanted a bit of kudos on NUFC message boards. F***ing idiot.
  17. The owners/directors of the club were known at the very start of the process, why did this suddenly become an issue 4 months down the line? Seems like an utter nonsense to me, and this definitely looks like PL PR work. That Ben Jacobs has been at it to.
  18. Some Twitter random is saying they've changed it to Staveley 20% Reubens 20% PIF 60% and PL mulling it over. Almost certainly bollocks but there you go.
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