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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. As disappointing as this evening was, some of the disrespect I've seen towards Howe tonight has sickened me. Going to stay off social media for a while I think. Fickle cunts.
  2. I think today is the day that I realised beyond any doubt, we are actually fucking cursed. ?
  3. Interesting analysis of the 2nd half pre and post substitutions.
  4. We're 18 months into a long term project and well ahead of schedule. Get some sort of grip on reality or take up another sport.
  5. He's nowhere to be seen. A gutless coward who turns up to say 'I told you so', on the rare occasion we lose a game. Most people will be gutted after today's kick in the nuts, but he's here getting his kicks.
  6. You only ever show your face to revel in misery, man. So fucking predictable.
  7. Predictable, I bet you were delighted really.
  8. Indeed. This place is no exception mind, the amount of gloom and doom from certain posters as we enjoyed our best season and outlook in decades, was fucking hideous. Home games are the same story, in a way I'm glad I can't get to many anymore. ?
  9. He made the most of it but still a penalty to me. Ludicrous challenge from the defender. Atmosphere is fucking terrible mind. Spawny cunt.
  10. I drink in the County every now and then and it's very much a rugby pub. The idea that is some sort of Mackem stronghold is preposterous, but exactly the sort of ludicrous myth they like to permeate so that it becomes fact. The Percy, howay man you daft cunts. ?
  11. Does it work from abroad, as I was kicked out for some reason?
  12. Got through in place 333 this morning, but it came up with an unknown error in the ticketing bit.....I presume because I'm abroad and didn't like my IP? Another one misses, bollocks.
  13. UncleBingo

    Harvey Barnes

    15-20 goals and a decent amount of assists this season. Quality.
  14. Not his biggest fan but he was excellent in the 1st half.
  15. I was on the pitch for that one trying to break up the fight. Probably a lifetime ban nowadays......if I could get in of course.
  16. I'm yet to see it. Like I say, happy to be proved wrong.
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