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Everything posted by GavMcEl

  1. That's it over, dreams broken ,heart broken.... This time it's gonna take a lot longer to mend
  2. Genuinely dont think I've been this nervous about a game of football before ever !!!! Usually with this fixture I always get a bit excited at the thought of going on an all day rip, and at the possibility of us getting a result... But I am genuinely shiteing meself over this game tomorrow
  3. The new ireland jersey is the nicest one of all the "Euro kits" I've seen so far... Gotta bit of a 90s vibe about
  4. Everton 1-2 Arsenal Chelsea 0-2 West Ham Crystal Palace 1-2 Leicester Watford 2-1 Stoke West Brom 1-1 Norwich Swansea 3-0 Aston Villa Newcastle 1-3 Sunderland Southampton 1-1Liverpool Man City 3-1 Man Utd Spurs 3-0 Bournemouth
  5. A bit deflated after that match tbh... I Don't know how I'm gonna cope on Sunday getting the shits thinking about it already
  6. 2-0 Leicester ! But Rafa will have it sorted for the derby.... Hopefully
  7. Norwich 0-2 Man City Bournemouth 1-1 Swansea Stoke 2-1 Southampton Aston Villa 0-3 Spurs Leicester 2-0Newcastle
  8. Just back from work, finished Me shift went into the canteen and checked me phone and had a message saying that Rafa got the job and I went mad screaming and dancing lol manager ran up the stairs and went mad aha who gives a fuck ! RAFA IS A GEORIDE !!!!!
  9. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    eh? The last 3 performances where probs 3 of the worst I've ever witnessed
  10. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    He could just be smiling at how he's gonna spend his pay off money ?
  11. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    I'm only back from work couldn't be bothered to go through the previous pages ! Hows craig he getting our hopes up ? Tweeting alot about Rafa, most recently saying that he is interested in speaking to us. Cheers lads... If we where to somehow get Rafa in my girlfriends pelvis would be smashed in for a good week I'd be that excited
  12. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    I'm only back from work couldn't be bothered to go through the previous pages ! Hows craig he getting our hopes up ?
  13. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    How was dumb and dumber never funny ? Easily one of the funniest things I've ever watched
  14. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    Was adamant he was going today.... Feel depressed and feel physically sick.... Here's to the championship next season well not be back for sometime
  15. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    Loosing the will to live now tbh between refreshing this and female fake taxi I've completely wasted my day off hurry up to fuck and put us outta our misery
  16. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    Fuck that pearson can go fuck ! That would be like going to shop in b&m cus your local home bargins have closed down absloute balls
  17. GavMcEl

    Steve McClaren

    I finished work today at 6 then I had to run a few errands after.... So this is the 1st chance I have today to sit down and digest what has happened and tbh when I heard the result I felt depressed like the majority of people on this forum... Years ago when we got beat it would affect my weekend/ week, I would be in bad form I would be grumpy, I would fall out with family/friends it actually resulted in an end of a relationship when I was 16 Lol me and my then girlfriend where shopping and we where playing everton at the time (subsequently it was actually 5 years ago today), I remember I asked her to check the score on her phone for me and she said it was 2-1, I said to us ? And she said aye... So I was walking around the supermarket chuffed until she realised it was everton who won 2-1 I remember I lost the plot at her and we fell out and she left me... Well she can go fuck cus four months later I met another girl who was 10 times hotter and 5 years later were still going strong.... Lol any how... I don't know if it's cus I grew up our if I just got disillusioned by the regime and the shit that's happened that I just stopped giving a fuck..... But today when I heard the result it was like the 16 year old me was back i was in a bad form for hours... And I have to say that it still hurts... If mc claren isn't gone by Monday afternoon then I fears that our future will be gone ! Mc claren is bordering with carver as the worse manager ive ever seen at the club... I just hope he does the honourable thing and go fuck
  18. Spurs 2-2 Arsenal Chelsea 2-0 Stoke Everton 2-1West Ham Man City 5-0Aston Villa Newcastle 3-1 Bournemouth Southampton 2-0Sunderland Swansea 3-1Norwich Watford 1-2Leicester Crystal Palace 1-3Liverpool West Brom 0-2 Man Utd
  19. I've been saying since the 2nd game of the season that we are going down... Absloute fucking balls, this club is absolute rotten
  20. My phone broke on Sunday night , and I only got it back their now so I missed last nights fixtures.... Spose there's no chance you'll let me do tonight's ones before I fall even further down the table ? And if so Arsenal 2-0Swansea Stoke 1-0 Newcastle West Ham 2-2Spurs Liverpool 3-1Man City Man Utd 2-0 Watford
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