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Everything posted by tinoasprilla

  1. Was going to join and then I saw Steve Wraith was on the board so will be giving it a miss
  2. Bronze should take the pens cleanest striker of the ball in the team
  3. Was rubbish there like
  4. Kirby & stokes look England weak links. Bronze is different class compared to most
  5. Let the manager go and then ask for clarity on the takeover. Surely it would be the other way around. Is he listening to Michael Jackson 'man in the mirror's whilst trying to get into his shit stained Jean's whilst asking for clarity? He has no intention of selling in my view and never has
  6. No intention of selling the mans a cunt which is exactly the feedback I've sent to Nufc
  7. Messi is generally poor when I see him for Argentina. You can blame 'the team isn't as good' but he just seems to wander around complaining, which doesn't exactly help Agree on Colombia and Uruguay. Whoever gets through out of Peru and Venezurla could be dark horses too
  8. Not in mine, not that that counts for much. Only if you and your Mrs turn up in matching Sports Direct shell suits
  9. If you go on linked in there are two Midhat Kidwais in the UAE. One has one follower and the other 500+. Defo thinking someone or a group are setting up fake media accounts to mislead But that doesn't mean its not true or hope has taken over https://m.facebook.com/midhat.kidwai his Facebook looks ropey too
  10. If you go on linked in there are two Midhat Kidwais in the UAE. One has one follower and the other 500+. Defo thinking someone or a group are setting up fake media accounts to mislead But that doesn't mean its not true or hope has taken over
  11. Judging by the date on the web site I'd say it's an old one. Unreal that its 24 hours in and the journalists are still trying to find the real sheik. They will be reporting next that he is behind the green door
  12. Same as Colback who no doubt is on significantly more money
  13. I thought that I had a memory of Andersson scoring a goal where he fell over and in the process knocked the ball over the keeper with his knee. I can't find it though, and the Liverpool 4-2 from December 1998 only has him scoring a decent goal after rounding the keeper. Went to that one. Think we were 2-0 up. Andersson went round the keeper then fell for no reason. Somehow he managed to score more luck than skill though
  14. Rob McDonald definitely in that era he was just absolute garbage. Most hated for me is Michael Owen Remember Andrea's Anderson desperately trying not to score away at liverpool. Kind of fell over and it went in. Haman got sent off for us if I remember rightly and I was sat behind Lionel Perez. Think it was boxing day
  15. Ritchie's passing was dreadful too. Add in Hayden and Diame we had too many non footballers in the team tonight. Didn't help that most didn't look arsed
  16. I've always supported Ayoze and never had a go at Hayden in the past. I've been annoyed by Ritchie however. He's rash and comes across as very moody. Has some very annoying habits in game too. He's been very useful for us, but it's definitely time to see what we can do without him. Exactly the same here. Always thought Perez would benefit from having better footballers around him. With Ritchie it exposes his flaws. Now we are practically safe it must make more sense to give Kennedy or Barreca a game. Ritchie is not going to improve at this stage in his career the other two will
  17. Like to see him start ahead of Ritchie
  18. Rondon should take pens. Ritchie should be serving deep fried mars bars in Essex
  19. It's not Worth the asking price partly because it's a shell of a club ran into the ground. Every part of it needs investment. You wouldn't pay top dollar for a house that was a shit hole inside
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