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Shadow Puppets

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Everything posted by Shadow Puppets

  1. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    He’s been telling some players in our squad that he wants to join (and has been expecting it) for weeks now.
  2. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    IF, and it’s a big IF, that’s true, is that not simply because Eddie works with them everyday? He knows better than anyone at the club the type of player / characters we need. Do you not think he’s earned that respect and trust?
  3. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    He’s absolutely right… and precisely why people on here including myself can’t stand the excessive over the top negativity. When this club and its supporters are aligned, we’re incredible. If we tear them to shreds over a poor transfer window, that just leads to negative vibes, upheaval, abuse on social media (already started)… it achieves nothing and contributes far more to a poor season than the thing people are moaning about.
  4. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    Are there loads of players out there that A) fit the player profile, B) fit the price structure, C) fit the wage structure, D) fit the no dick head policy, and E) are happy to join with no European football?
  5. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    I’m not ITK… I’m just passing on info that I’ve heard from people on the playing side (and from Guehi’s side). I haven’t got a fucking clue myself what is happening. But plenty of that stuff has been correct in the past. The Trippier stuff in January. The extent of Botman’s injury and what happened throughout that. The Liverpool Gordon stuff. All of that subsequently came out in the press or from the club afterwards.
  6. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    Which is bullshit. Craig is a shit stirring bullshit merchant. He works the for the Daily Mail for christ sake. The worst of the lot.
  7. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    That’s a lot of assumptions in one post.
  8. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    No, I don’t (apart from tidbits about Howe and Mitchell’s relationship being good) which is why I’m refraining from speculating and making a bigger deal out of something than needs be.
  9. But this is the point isn’t it, and this is part of the reason why myself and some others on here are frustrated with the overreactions… because at this club in particular the fans / local press have a habit of making mountains out of relative molehills. See Bobby for prime example. We know where that over emotional self destruction gets us. As a club, team, management structure etc, we are in a far better position than we have been in for years, with an excellent manager, team that tries (and wins more often than not) and a club that wants to progress. Overreacting and inventing stories just feeds instability, when in reality we’re in pretty damn good shape. And dipshits like Craig Hope deserve ZERO airtime. I lost any remaining respect I had for him in January when he wrote that Trippier had “flown home from NYC to seal a deal to Bayern”, when the actual truth (that I knew 100% factually from the horses mouth) was that he and his family were on a family holiday and already on their way home, and there was no push from Tripps to leave. He’s a shit stirring prick.
  10. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    Craig Hope… absolute bellend.
  11. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    I’m having a go at people who make assumptions or try to pin blame on people without having the first clue about how any of it works. Im not happy with the lack of incomings… of course… but I don’t see any point in making up stories to rile myself up and create issues in my mind 🤷‍♂️
  12. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    Oh good, you’re back.
  13. Nick mate… smile. You’re getting yourself worked up over stuff that really isn’t that important. “Shot with shit” ffs 🙄
  14. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    He’s definitely worth more than £40m like. In today’s market £55m-£60m is perfectly reasonable for a player with his attributes / leadership.
  15. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    🤷‍♂️ I dunno… it all feels very odd. So much confidence from our side over the last few weeks.
  16. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    I get the impression (and yes I’ve asked again) that this STILL isn’t over by the way 🙄. I asked if we’ve pulled out / if it’s over, and was just told “no”. Its all part of the brinksmanship I think, although I do think we’ll have other irons in fires too.
  17. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    No, I completely agree with you. I’ll be disappointed if we don’t sign anyone else, sure, but angry… no. It’s not really worthy of that.
  18. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    😁 It’s usually pretty casual and just comes up in conversation to be fair.
  19. Shadow Puppets

    Marc Guehi

    Not yet no. But I’m loathed to ask again 😁
  20. I’m going for Guehi and Trafford. And a few outgoing loans.
  21. Out of curiosity, what is Mitchell’s history with last minute deals? He was at Spurs… does that mean he was part of that Spurs era where they left everything late every window?
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