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Everything posted by RS

  1. RS

    Success at what cost?

  2. RS


    OOF! Actually to be fair to him he has said some decent things since the takeover first came out. Probably takes his mind off planning bank jobs for the missus.
  3. RS

    Success at what cost?

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52651771 Fight the takeover.
  4. I’m bored to fuck with this takeover and all the shit crack from both sides that goes with it.
  5. It’s a done deal. No worries! Just a bit of conjecture and discussion threads thrown around to brighten people’s mornings. Remind us of your information again? What is it that you know? My pal is good mates with someone on the selling side. He told me when it first broke that they expected completion around the middle of May. Mainly due to covid not fit and proper. I put the bite on him again last week and was told no change. Take it as you will.
  6. It’s a done deal. No worries! Just a bit of conjecture and discussion threads thrown around to brighten people’s mornings.
  7. For no apparent reason? ? My context was timing based! Pity they didn’t focus on their social reforms or mention our takeover without Khashoggi in the same sentence.
  8. BBC ripping into Saudi for no apparent reason. We get a mention obviously! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-52588971
  9. The first thing required when football returns is to flamethrower the press box. Bunch of twats.
  10. The lad he sniffs glue in the Hall grounds with. It’s happening. No concerns. Timescales were anticipated from the offset.
  11. Fake news. Was always middle of May. Bullshit press reporting.
  12. I'm not sure how these checks work, but they may not have to conform to the same requirements per other legal matters - in the same way civil and criminal cases have differing burdens of proof. Obviously they'll have some formal process which would hopefully be subject to a legal challenge (fairly sure someone has in the past?) http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/6923831.stm
  13. Wheynar. No dramas in the real world. Just journos waving their dicks about.
  14. Yesterday’s drama over? Desperate bid to get a few more clicks before the announcement and there’s no sporting news to discuss . Mid-May is nearly upon us. A sunny summer and a new owner. Pity the bars are shut for the foreseeable. Keep the faith
  15. still a non story. No proof. No evidence. 66% of the takeover has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia.
  16. Some of the suicide comments on here because of one daft story lacking detail and depth. This mob oversaw the purchase of Man City. Are representing a super rich country. The legal team will have all this closed down. It’s happening. There are no showstoppers. The main delay issue has been Coronavirus, nothing else.
  17. RS


    I like that grumpy fellow who’s made them believe he’s a paralegal or something, all believing his takeover crap and how ours won’t happen. Knocking bet he’s a janitor at wynns solicitors.
  18. Who uses the term "ass hats"? Anyway, what point have you been trying to make which people are slagging you off for? Not sure he's saying he has been slagged off mind. I kind of agree, there's been a few on here mention something they've heard, been slated and basically branded as Odin mkII I don't get it, if someone says something, take it with a pinch of salt, even if they're right, it means nowt until it's announced officially anyway. That's because almost every single one of these pieces of "info" are absolute bollocks and people are tired of it, tetchy, and bored of being fed lies from every single direction. You can't expect people not to get annoyed when another piece of ITK crap appears and turns out to be, yet again, a load of old horseshit. Spot on, sick of the speculation and the so called ITK , complete dreamers and bullshitters I agree, the ITK crap is tedious. ? I hate the twats that just make stuff up off the top of their heads.
  19. Someone’s jealous he’s not in the ‘clique’ Virtual frotting isn’t all it’s made out to be anyway.
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