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Everything posted by RS

  1. Strange, looks like us playing some decent stuff there. Popular opinion tends to be we were just lucky. There were times during that season I was amazed by our quality of play.
  2. Yes, the people who don't fancy their club being owned by a war criminal are the ones with Stockholm Syndrome. You're on a slippery slope towards driving yourself insane if you're just going to pretend all criticism isn't genuine, even among fellow fans. At the very least, you already look ridiculous while doing it. I haven’t once said that SA human rights was acceptable. I took offence at all the bandwagon jumpers, yourself included who didn’t give two f***s about what was going on over there until now. NIMBYism at its worst. Are you not the bloke who reopened discussion with being past caring and wished us well, only to spent the next few days posting relentlessly about how bad our new owners were? That’s more ridiculous. You see, this is why you look ridiculous. How would you know if I or anyone on here cared about SA human rights abuses before all this? You're just guessing and I know you are because I've been on this forum for the best part of 15 years, have discussed this stuff at length for years (amongst other forum members) and there's been an active thread dedicated to Saudi human rights abuses since 2015. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=97318.0 I'm the bloke who wished you all well before I knew who we were welcoming into our city with open arms, yes. Does me quickly changing my mind once I realised our owner is going to be a war criminal also disqualify me from prefering the club to not be owned by a war criminal? The mental gymnastics to actually avoid dealing with the substance is astounding. If it's not journalists' hypocrisy and the supposed bias against Newcastle, it's the heel turns of Newcastle fans on a football forum. Don’t think many would care, unfortunately. Looks like Deuce was right. P.S I didn't say you said it was acceptable either btw, just that those not wanting a war criminal for a football owner aren't the ones with Stockholm Syndrome. I apologise for directing at you as this has been yours (and any one else’s stance from the offset) But fuck the bandwagon jumpers!
  3. Yes, the people who don't fancy their club being owned by a war criminal are the ones with Stockholm Syndrome. You're on a slippery slope towards driving yourself insane if you're just going to pretend all criticism isn't genuine, even among fellow fans. At the very least, you already look ridiculous while doing it. I haven’t once said that SA human rights was acceptable. I took offence at all the bandwagon jumpers, yourself included who didn’t give two fucks about what was going on over there until now. NIMBYism at its worst. Are you not the bloke who reopened discussion with being past caring and wished us well, only to spent the next few days posting relentlessly about how bad our new owners were? That’s more ridiculous.
  4. Loads of poor fuckers with Ashley Stockholm Syndrome will be high-fiving each other when it goes tits up and he’s he’s still in charge. “Dodged some proper bad PR there lads”. “Better the devil you know” etc
  5. I mean she’s been a pretty fucking vocal critic of Ashley so I would expect her to tbh I heard she’s advocating the sale as it will benefit the city whilst encouraging the Saudi population to increase their participation in sport whilst embracing a more western culture.
  6. RS

    Success at what cost?

    Not a sniff compared to what nufc is currently experiencing.
  7. RS

    Success at what cost?

    https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.manutd.com/en/amp/news/detail/manchester-united-agree-strategic-partnership-in-saudi-arabia Not a sniff when this happened.
  8. RS

    Success at what cost?

    Get rid of Ashley first. Then worry about the repercussions. After 13 years of false imprisonment I think we are at least due a chink of light at the end of the tunnel.
  9. Bein sports. The company that employs people like this: https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/richard-keys-and-andy-gray-celebrate-five-year-anniversary-sky-sports-sacking-sexism-twitter-a6834501.html
  10. Mid May. The apple cart is getting upset and the old school are dead against it. “How dare a little club up north end possible have so much potential?” It fucking stinks! And if it goes through I hope no one forgets the vitriol thrown at the fans during this.
  11. RS

    Success at what cost?

    The clique is against the Saudis. Resistance is futile.
  12. RS

    Success at what cost?

    Mike Ashley isn't a country and he doesn't kill people He’s the size of one and his warehouse has tried really hard to
  13. RS

    David Squires

    Agreed. Very poor taste I thought and I'm a big fan of his. Come on now, they're going to be linked with us for as long as they are owning the club. I think the cartoon does a great job highlighting it. For millions of people the first thing they now think of when Newcastle gets mentioned is Saudi Arabia. Is it balls
  14. RS

    Success at what cost?

    This post has proved the point of lots of folk posting in this thread. "I'm not sticking up for the Saudis, but stop having a go at the Saudis cos they're buying my team. Look over here! Look over here!" https://www.amnesty.org.uk/campaign/expose-chinese-camps For example. When did you start your stance on human rights? I’m guessing the vast majority of the people vocally against the new ownership have never protested about human rights previously, complained to the government about the trade deals with SA etc etc. But now it’s ‘affecting’ them it’s a major issue. And saying Chinas issues doesn’t count because they’re not buying the club doesn’t really sit that well either. It just reeks of nimbyism. If SA is good enough for the British government, voted in by the British public then it’s got to be ok hasn’t it? If not why isn’t the first stop to go for them not the ordinary Joe’s that just want to see a competitive club again?
  15. Aftershave counter or PC World? Got to be Greg(g)s! His background is pie salesman isn’t it?
  16. RS


    You could post £350 m through that gap in his teeth Spock’s been on the communicator. He wants his eyebrows back.
  17. RS

    Success at what cost?

    The Chinese government aren't currently buying a Premier League football club. That’s alright then. I forgive them
  18. RS

    Success at what cost?

    I don’t think anyone has stuck up for them. More pointed out other bigger abusers of humanitarian rights who go almost unchallenged. The concentration camps in China are abhorrent, their execution rate is multiples of the Saudis and yet it’s swept under the carpet. Amnesty International and everyone else are using the alleged takeover as an easy way of making news and unfortunately it appears it’s us the fans that are the fall guys in all of this. I think everyone will admit there’s bigger fish to fry than the Saudis but they’re a harder target.
  19. Another day closer. I can hardly imagine the scenes if this had happened pre-covid.
  20. RS

    Success at what cost?

    Saudi Arabia is one of the UK’s most important trading partners. The UK exported £6 billion worth of goods and services to Saudi Arabia in 2018 (ONS, 2019). British companies present in the market include Shell, GlaxoSmithKline, BAE Systems, Rolls Royce and Unilever. What sanctions have the British government got in place against the Saudis currently?
  21. Why does he want any other club rather than Newcastle? Should be not be saying no club? And that he can actually talk about morals is offensive as well.
  22. RS

    Success at what cost?

    Nobody ‘important’ wants this to happen. Not for morality. Not for ffp. It’s all about politics. Imagine the Saudis decide the City of Newcastle is their European base. Imagine even a slight power shift from the recognised business centres. Imagine the light shone not just on Newcastle but the North East an highlighting the decades of neglect by successive governments. The lack of infrastructure, the low mortality age, the disproportionate subsidy rates etc Money and class still run the country. Do you think fox hunting would have lasted so long if it had been a working class ‘sport’? The BBC and the press are the PR for the old school tie connections. This potential investment will be worrying them.
  23. RS

    Success at what cost?

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-52358476 Front page of bbc website. China still biggest executors but it only gets a sentence.
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