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Everything posted by RS

  1. RS

    Success at what cost?

    He’s a narcissist. I’m sure the poor fuck is unwell. I’m willing to bet he cries himself to sleep at night.
  2. Watertight without a doubt. This has been a couple of years in the making. Staveley Has all the experience to navigate around the pitfalls.
  3. He was never the brightest to be fair.
  4. This is done isn’t it? Nothing stopping it now. Everyone has had their say, now there’s nothing left to say. It’s a formality.
  5. What's getting crazy? That's just a report on what Darren Bent said on Talksport. It’s not getting crazy now.
  6. https://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/1273125/Newcastle-United-news-Steve-Bruce-Mauricio-Pochettino-world-class. It’s getting crazy now.
  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-7036609/Family-Osama-bin-Laden-helped-finance-Sheffield-United-details-3m-loan-revealed.html Max-whataboutery
  8. You want to try the at what cost thread. Your stereotypical Football supporters have changed quite a bit. Unless it’s just on here?
  9. RS

    Success at what cost?

    It’s going to be quiet in here when the Saudis get in. #newcastlebluestar-online
  10. Just go fishing scoot. Oh that’s not allowed either. Didn't know Scoot was a charver. He’s an angler. Sport of gentlemen.
  11. RS

    Success at what cost?

    Same, I'm not missing it and the whole sport stinks. You’ll get back into it when things start getting interesting again next year.
  12. RS

    Success at what cost?

    It would be nice to engage in some 2 way conversation, there’s been none with Ashley. If Chi Onwurah sees it as an opportunity surely there’s an opportunity to put our thoughts across to the owners. Hopefully the takeover happens and we have a chance to find out.
  13. Has anyone done the maths to see what he (potentially) walks away with after 13 years? Not including the free sponsorship but the premiership/tv money not invested. Player sales and sale price?
  14. It’s peanuts though. That’s the worry. It all depends how much they want the club. There’ll be a tipping point where the bad press will outweigh the benefits.
  15. Richard Keys on the moral issues. It’s the equivalent of Peter Sutcliffe reviewing claw hammers. All the experience but for the wrong reasons.
  16. Strange, looks like us playing some decent stuff there. Popular opinion tends to be we were just lucky. There were times during that season I was amazed by our quality of play.
  17. Yes, the people who don't fancy their club being owned by a war criminal are the ones with Stockholm Syndrome. You're on a slippery slope towards driving yourself insane if you're just going to pretend all criticism isn't genuine, even among fellow fans. At the very least, you already look ridiculous while doing it. I haven’t once said that SA human rights was acceptable. I took offence at all the bandwagon jumpers, yourself included who didn’t give two f***s about what was going on over there until now. NIMBYism at its worst. Are you not the bloke who reopened discussion with being past caring and wished us well, only to spent the next few days posting relentlessly about how bad our new owners were? That’s more ridiculous. You see, this is why you look ridiculous. How would you know if I or anyone on here cared about SA human rights abuses before all this? You're just guessing and I know you are because I've been on this forum for the best part of 15 years, have discussed this stuff at length for years (amongst other forum members) and there's been an active thread dedicated to Saudi human rights abuses since 2015. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=97318.0 I'm the bloke who wished you all well before I knew who we were welcoming into our city with open arms, yes. Does me quickly changing my mind once I realised our owner is going to be a war criminal also disqualify me from prefering the club to not be owned by a war criminal? The mental gymnastics to actually avoid dealing with the substance is astounding. If it's not journalists' hypocrisy and the supposed bias against Newcastle, it's the heel turns of Newcastle fans on a football forum. Don’t think many would care, unfortunately. Looks like Deuce was right. P.S I didn't say you said it was acceptable either btw, just that those not wanting a war criminal for a football owner aren't the ones with Stockholm Syndrome. I apologise for directing at you as this has been yours (and any one else’s stance from the offset) But fuck the bandwagon jumpers!
  18. Yes, the people who don't fancy their club being owned by a war criminal are the ones with Stockholm Syndrome. You're on a slippery slope towards driving yourself insane if you're just going to pretend all criticism isn't genuine, even among fellow fans. At the very least, you already look ridiculous while doing it. I haven’t once said that SA human rights was acceptable. I took offence at all the bandwagon jumpers, yourself included who didn’t give two fucks about what was going on over there until now. NIMBYism at its worst. Are you not the bloke who reopened discussion with being past caring and wished us well, only to spent the next few days posting relentlessly about how bad our new owners were? That’s more ridiculous.
  19. Loads of poor fuckers with Ashley Stockholm Syndrome will be high-fiving each other when it goes tits up and he’s he’s still in charge. “Dodged some proper bad PR there lads”. “Better the devil you know” etc
  20. I mean she’s been a pretty fucking vocal critic of Ashley so I would expect her to tbh I heard she’s advocating the sale as it will benefit the city whilst encouraging the Saudi population to increase their participation in sport whilst embracing a more western culture.
  21. RS

    Success at what cost?

    Not a sniff compared to what nufc is currently experiencing.
  22. RS

    Success at what cost?

    https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.manutd.com/en/amp/news/detail/manchester-united-agree-strategic-partnership-in-saudi-arabia Not a sniff when this happened.
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