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Everything posted by RS

  1. It’s always been planned to complete around the middle of May. Take the bet. It’s candy from a baby
  2. This thread is a horrific read. What a crock of shit this last 13 years has been. Should tweet a link to Delaney.
  3. If it doesn't happen today it's not happening. It should be done already. Second week in May. Always has been. Chill Winston. Deal done.
  4. 10-15th May. Always has been. Deal is done. The nearer to relaxation of lockdown the better the party!
  5. I’m going on the sick with takeover fatigue. If it is the second week in May
  6. This. We did. Plus the stadium name change. Alongside Green the most disgusting example of extreme capitalism. Fully deserves getting punched in the throat every time he leaves the house.
  7. I’m hoping they do the same with the premiership. We stay up and Bruce doesn’t manage another game for us. Perfect ending to a decade of nothingness at this club.
  8. The Bukta “Brazil” away kit of the 70’s my personal fave. Loved the Keegan playing era silver away as well. Expect a green based away strip after the takeover.
  9. RS

    Success at what cost?

    It’s not a pretty read like.
  10. RS

    St James' Park

    Take the pitch down 10 metres. re-profile the lower stands should get an extra 15k in? 20+ with safe standing. Is this for all the mackems bairns jumping ship?
  11. Heard middle of May was the prediction. Can’t see some people lasting another couple of weeks like.
  12. That’s the mystery tour fuckin ruined
  13. been thinking about this recently, are all teams fanbases as split between daft arsehole cunts and normal, sensible people? we seem to have soooooooo many dickheads like, it's untrue remember years back going home and away they seemed very much the minority to me then Probably lost a lot of normals due to the Ashley effect.
  14. Big Takeover timescale update from the chronicle: “there is no timescale update”
  15. https://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=282654.14640 Sanctimonious cunts. I'd love to see how they'd react in the same situation after 13 years of Ashley. Strange bunch in the majority over there. Making it out to be the fans faulty for not ousting Ashley and choosing Saudis. It’s amazing when your on the outside looking in how different things look.
  16. https://theathletic.com/1772035/2020/04/26/fit-and-proper-premier-league-newcastle-takeover/?amp#click=https://t.co/KNJOv04DZN Keys getting it within the first couple of sentences
  17. Fucking hell, man. I've only just wasted my life reading through the past five pages. Don't kick it all off again. I just thought it was an OMD reference Ah. Their third studio album. Souvenir being a particular favourite.
  18. That's a myth, nobody ever did. Whereas Michael Jackson, bangers for days, bhaisaab. Glitters “Touch Me” album from ‘73 has some critical acclaim.
  19. Ironically, having owners who will invest in the club, the buildings and the city will bring back the noise, the pride and the passion IMO. It's been the exact opposite when we've been run like a cold hard business. Like Man City? How was the atmosphere at City before they started winning stuff? I don't remember it being that great tbh, plenty of them were converting to Man U as their favourite club. Nah, they were pretty loyal but were the self proclaimed ‘best fans in the world’. There used to several attendance arguments with usas they had the nerve to sing ‘where were you when you were s***’ at us at St James’. They had good attendances in lower league football for sure. They were decent fans. I think the same thing that happened to them will happen to us. It’s a fatigue really more than anything. Yeah they had decent crowds when they were where the mackems are now. They are just normal arrogant Mancs in the hear then before you see them Noel Gallagher mould and mouthed off too much. Maine Road was a good old ground, bloody nightmare to get in and out of though. Don't agree with this at all. The long time city fans are, for the most part, decent lads who share a very similiar outlook to us toon fans. They've found themselves in a very fortunate position that, fingers crossed, we may find ourselves in. Ask the clued up amongst them and I'm sure they'll tell you the best time for them was in the old second division with players like Sean Wright Phillips and Jon Macken - I'm sure in ten years time we'll be telling anyone who listens about going down with Rafa Benitez and that amazing season in the Championship..... Yeah, mine was maybe a bit of a crass generalisation. There’s decent lads there. Apart from the new members. Apple cart upsetters the lot of them. Sorry, didn’t understand that mate msg7203868 date=1587876463] Manorpark is a long time poster, he just posts infrequently. I know, I was referring to the other new members My poor effort at a joke!
  20. Ironically, having owners who will invest in the club, the buildings and the city will bring back the noise, the pride and the passion IMO. It's been the exact opposite when we've been run like a cold hard business. Like Man City? How was the atmosphere at City before they started winning stuff? I don't remember it being that great tbh, plenty of them were converting to Man U as their favourite club. Nah, they were pretty loyal but were the self proclaimed ‘best fans in the world’. There used to several attendance arguments with usas they had the nerve to sing ‘where were you when you were s***’ at us at St James’. They had good attendances in lower league football for sure. They were decent fans. I think the same thing that happened to them will happen to us. It’s a fatigue really more than anything. Yeah they had decent crowds when they were where the mackems are now. They are just normal arrogant Mancs in the hear then before you see them Noel Gallagher mould and mouthed off too much. Maine Road was a good old ground, bloody nightmare to get in and out of though. Don't agree with this at all. The long time city fans are, for the most part, decent lads who share a very similiar outlook to us toon fans. They've found themselves in a very fortunate position that, fingers crossed, we may find ourselves in. Ask the clued up amongst them and I'm sure they'll tell you the best time for them was in the old second division with players like Sean Wright Phillips and Jon Macken - I'm sure in ten years time we'll be telling anyone who listens about going down with Rafa Benitez and that amazing season in the Championship..... Yeah, mine was maybe a bit of a crass generalisation. There’s decent lads there. Apart from the new members. Apple cart upsetters the lot of them.
  21. Each to their own. It’s a forum and everyone is entitled to their own views. The forum would be boring as fuck if everyone just re-quoted comments with thumbs up and clapping hands for evermore. Personally I’m happy as fuck and excited as to where this journey will take us. The end of the Ashley era should be enough joy for most. Let’s see how it develops.
  22. “Don’t ever give up on your club. Keep supporting it, it’s your club and trust me, one day you will get your club back and it will be everything you wanted it to be.” Yes, NUFC being owned by and connected with the Saudi state is presumably what Keegan meant by the club being ours again and it being everything we all want it to be. I think he meant there would be a time when we would compete and have a chance at success again. Not sure he was being specific regarding ownership. I understand your disdain for the new owners and the countries human rights. I agree it’s a massive issue. Perhaps this will be highlighted and acted on as their ownership of our club progresses?
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