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Everything posted by RS

  1. Starting to get worried here like. An unknown entity coming into the club. In retrospect Ashley has done a decent job of steadying the ship over the years.
  2. Link doesn't work. What's section 3? Click on the first pdf: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/OC311146/filing-history
  3. https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/7dc4kdiDB56cQ5nVrcvLTuojY4ido4hMjDvfeO9bnxU/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3JP5QGBUY%2F20200414%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20200414T100514Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEFkaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJGMEQCIEEFqxEyzhMzwT7RpNMqgYqvcpDpGEQveEoBzIBmNMpsAiAvxpI%2FT8UKIFdfVO%2BuK1xQAJwoNtKW5P2goNFpApRQuSq0AwhyEAIaDDQ0OTIyOTAzMjgyMiIMD4QjkQGZW2w59NytKpEDXfNXz1FdjO3B7hVm9KWHpMFZh7C0p6UiEyz8Q%2BpeBrnjFK16TJwzC6FvEeZQlCeVVbSTUUHjzVNJI3fwo4JoyyctXNnxeCaJRu1%2FquaY1kvBdciivI0DDvfA12wCfa2Ls2I3ehVab7IGvQ%2Bthb3fBv%2FiT2zsfXE9Hf83k8ljj7gwR6xSw3XtzoJAAJfnAjgAk027yGNgvWHsYdI0sAGK3Vrl8RsI%2FgbTAVWs9lkosHRiZsecyWMzayfnWpyYhBM6ZZJpQdHvlYc1ls4NJWHuL%2FZyXbMKJDqBOIXouJL36S9WmuJh6LiNFKLRKsqzq4eR5346zI9A8%2FBNdpS4%2FQdSsTaL1vwVt9Sr4CLPrk8H6lSGQ0TyI0FVBmBUYhKDR271kVjyE%2Fo%2BV7ILb4HvAklwrM4ear%2FHrQcFUGpASGGY8yiwh0rQE1NDsHm7LE9xUXfFZBLtcwLrAJVwt30JVbyqB2cm%2BpjKSNDwgbPhhDszmwLzgzV7GRQRBPHXFiikPKV%2F%2BYgUFOYWgUw2yO7QydnO8Tow8vXV9AU67AEnbXMzrDcUDZjWSCilhwvs%2Fg%2Fn5ENg1kAn8ovuk32%2FGw258to2aoNkDSVDF29%2FDGpzPnTacLvQJcVQGGOWTXIIZ9VczmORNvflUAX1dPaK9QI8T63UADny8UI1do8jEZez2U8Ro6%2F1V8b1M05izm0RZsI2A2FpKMAYVpq1C7t4OVsRneBuLt5s4wysxaN%2B3VpDzi5d%2FRR9MX24JSRvE2zwffGhHPPsXLZC6LTQGE%2BgE5NboO1M0HmtmO6OJZZ4pAxc83gzc6tsS8STTa2d5HolR5V1BxnkbrGot2gSm0Xf9lNaMtFAAa9zI8sVEw%3D%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=3fb056eb31f63155763abc5b8bf1d56b925367701dd81932b903a2605b331a5a Section 3 is interesting
  4. Panic stations. Fake buyer gets cold feet over a fake takeover.
  5. RS

    Favorite NUFC Goal?

    That was Brighton. Big Joe Corrigan in goal. Aye sorry BHA. Here it is. About 1 minute in: I was 14
  6. RS


    You would have thought their mass support for a sex offender broadcast worldwide would have put that kind of comment to bed. Not in the crazy deluded world of sunlun however
  7. RS

    Favorite NUFC Goal?

    Beardsley’s sliding tackle and chip against QPR in Keegans last game was my favourite “I was there” goal. The whole atmosphere. I was hanging on the fence in the west paddock behind the dugouts. After it went in and mayhem ensued Arthur cox turned (to me I thought) and said “what a fucking goal!” He was right like.
  8. Coffee with Midhat regularly according the the Walter the dentist Mitty in chronicle
  9. RS


    For local producers they made their fan base look backwards mind. I know it was for good tv but a smattering of normals wouldn’t have gone amiss. Taxi driver aside, their choice made Joey Essex look like a university challenge competitor
  10. Beliebe. The chronicle can’t be wrong 3 years running
  11. Who exactly, thought that a takeover was going to happen like? Absolutely ridiculous if anyone thought there was anything going to come of it. George Caulkin or not. Well there’s me “return of the messiah 111” tattoo gone to shit.
  12. RS


    Very subtle way of showing the poor lass getting the bullet as well. Brief goodbye from her pal in the car park. All for the twat being able to do his equivalent of delboy: “not 40,000, not 41,000.......”. Wanker
  13. RS


    Looks like they bought Griggs on the strength of his song. Nice drop of brexiteering thrown is as well.
  14. 2017 link, before anyone wastes any time. What’s changed?
  15. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/4898444/newcastle-uniteds-are-expected-to-confirm-the-takeover-of-the-club-this-week/ Booooooooom
  16. Beliebe. It’s coming home. Imagine mike Ashley under a house with just his donnay be-stockinged feet sticking out and Rafa stepping out the front door and popping on a pair of ruby slippers.
  17. I’ve just renewed all the families season tickets on the strength of this. Beliebe.
  18. The hope and belief in this thread. Yet again. Wow.
  19. If this carry-on was true (it’s not) I’d be concerned that £10m on the sale price made a difference between buying or not. Unless Staveley was just giving “FCW” a taste of his own medicine.
  20. What an absolute fucking rotten human being. There’s got to be a place in hell for this bastard.
  21. RS


    We’re talking mike Ashley. Not NUFC. He’s a buyout not bailout kind of guy. If anyone is looking at this disaster as an opportunity he will
  22. RS


    Joking aside he would have to be Top 5 at a bare minimum surely. Noncence
  23. Sell us to raise funds to buy Intu?
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