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Everything posted by RS

  1. It’s been tough pressure up here dizzy heights over the moon.
  2. Good opportunity for a game of Mike Basset quote bingo
  3. The message has always been W A I T At this rate Manorpark and Whitley will be hearing the takeover news via clairvoyant
  4. the moon committee would be a great name for 90’s shoegazer band. Hope your contacts are right QM.
  5. One of the most unpredicted results this season. 4-0 would have been sublime
  6. That’s my 3-0 bet down the shitter. What the fuck is happening here?
  7. IF you need to know how big this has blown up then check the SSN yellow ticker.
  8. I can see us shipping 3 here. Vardy too clever for our back 6
  9. Looking a lot like a last throw of the dice or the start of compo. keith said himself that it would he better if it never got as far as the “bomb”
  10. https://www.businessinsider.com/saudi-arabia-big-tech-spy-on-dissidents-twitter-2019-11?r=US&IR=T just saying like
  11. It may be that the Saudi government have assisted in providing evidence of traffic between the big 6, Qatar and the PL?
  12. So it’s either a master stroke or the last throw of the dice (depending on which thread your in!)
  13. Leicester have been quite remarkable this season and you have to tip your hat to them. If we're at our best, we're capable of beating good teams but, like many teams in this division, we struggle to find that consistency. "We are a lot more healthy than we were six weeks ago“
  14. Any proof of this yet @manorpark? looks like Keith has gone to ground?
  15. Covid. Lack of fans and injuries. Brucecuses for end of season.
  16. If the Saudis had agreed to buy any of the big six last year they would have been in charge by now. Blatantly obvious who runs the PL and pulling masters and co strings.
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