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Everything posted by RS

  1. He’s only gone and pressed it, the fat useless twat.
  2. Bruce’s finger hovers over the self-destruct button.
  3. End game approaching. Another bunch of “leeks” by PL to try and conjure up national outrage and force the thought process of the arbitrators. Hopefully the plan fails and backfires.
  4. Wouldn’t surprise me if this story was dropped because it looks like a resolution was on the table. Another chess move by the PL?
  5. For some reason I’ve a feeling we are near a positive resolution.
  6. Do the potential Saudi overlords not have a stake in Castore?
  7. Being made redundant on a zero hour contract must be a canny kick in the teeth like.
  8. I paid it. Worth every penny to keep people’s peckers up.
  9. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/search?q=Newcastle+united puck the bones out of that lot!
  10. He is the anti-Bruce. This “could “ save our season.
  11. Wish we were down now rather than waiting for the last game of the season.
  12. The depressingly predictability of this fucking club man. Typical dogshit Bruce non-tactics
  13. Reality check defeat for us again I fear! Dog shit for 95% of our games with the odd surprise average performance.
  14. Are they putting the money from the membership fee into it? Got to be £20k in those coffers?
  15. Why didn’t they just say what they had to on Thursday instead of announcing they had something to say on Thursday?
  16. Gregs twitpic looks like a cross between Tim Vine and Heston Blumenthal!
  17. Can’t wait for him to get the stick he’s so long overdue coming his way the useless one dimensional jacket potato faced twat.
  18. RS


    Still unconvinced! He never seem to have the ball fully under control. Always seems to be reacting to where it’s ended up after his first touch!
  19. He’s absolutely bomb-proof thanks to his unwavering loyalty to Ashley. Bastard has even moved back home to Manchester to avoid the fans. I can however see him resigning before the fans are allowed back in though as he is a coward of a human.
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