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Everything posted by RS

  1. “You don’t think”. There you go. If you (and manorpark ) used ‘think’ as part of your positive takeover predilection then it would add an element of reality to your posts. No one can provide a statement directly from PIF. it’s all guesswork. We’d nearly all like to think this would go through. It’s probably the only thing that can save our club from the monotonous modus operandi we are currently suffering.
  2. Not even the fact Caulkin confirmed they believed they were days away from approval after political intervention. This came after their original withdrawal and the money was deposited in an account waiting to be transferred. Think that’s pretty strong evidence that their original withdrawal was tactical. Caulkin is paid to make noise to sell clicks and print. Just show me a PIF statement since their withdrawal statement that shows they still have an interest in buying the club. Do that and I’m with you all the way.
  3. The consortium is one major player missing currently. Unfortunately it’s the one with 80% of the money. They withdrew because of a change in their investment strategy. Zero real evidence of this having changed after their original withdrawal last year.
  4. How thick is Mike Ashley though? Seriously, if a bunch of daft fuckers on a football forum predicted this who the fuck is advising him?
  5. There’s useless fat heaps of shit all over this club
  6. We’ll soon see if the players are with the manager or not.
  7. Perhaps if you posted it instead of your Twitter bombing it may have got noticed.
  8. I'm back for one statement and then Im off again A bit of pre-amble - bare with me: Crystal Palace On 18 December 2015, it was announced that a new deal had been signed with American investors Josh Harris and David Blitzer.[103] The club stated that Steve Parish would continue as chairman alongside Harris and Blitzer as general partners in a new structure, and that Browett, Long and Hosking would also retain a substantial investment.[104] The company accounts later showed that the ownership figures were: Steve Parish 18%, Steve Browett 5%, Jeremy Hosking 5% and Martin Long 2.5% with the remainder being owned by Palace Holdco LP (a limited partnership registered in Delaware) 67.5% and Palace Parallel LLC (a company also registered in Delaware) 1.5%. Both Palace Holdco and Palace Parallel have 180 preference shares each. As the Delaware companies do not have to reveal their owners the exact ownership of the club is therefore unknown but Steve Parish confirmed that each of Harris and Blitzer had an 18% share to match his own. So the Premier League doesn't know who owns 67.5% of Crystal Palace as Delaware companies don't have to reveal their owners. The Premier League accepted this as they can't argue against the rule of Law in the USA. Remember this as its important. Now onto NUFC and PIF. Premier League are arguing that they can't separate PIF from KSA and as such the KSA is a potential director of NUFC. This, as has been said previously could then allow them to link MBS to owning NUFC and the state piracy of Bein, Beout. PIF apparently sent details stating that PIF is separate to KSA in Saudi Law but PL didn't accept this. So the PL approved a Delaware Company which doesn't disclose its owners/Directors because in US law where the company is based,that is its right but on the NUFC takeover, wont accept that PIF is separate under Saudi Law and choses to ignore/reject. This is the crux of the matter and why Shaheed Fatima is on the case with Nick. How can PL accept US Law and not even know who owns Crsytal Palace (For all they know, it could be MBS) but reject Saudi Law stating PIF is separate to the state? In essence, they shouldn't be able to and hopefully this will come out in Court. Im off again, enjoy your baiting of each other, you sad f***s! That’s the most positive post for months. Much better than the Keith shit being touted.
  9. Gob open expecting Bruce jizz. Instead gets a massive smokey bacon based chunk of cacky.
  10. I hope it’s shelvey. The mole-faced cunt.
  11. Bruce said: "I will have to say the story about Darlow that I'd go to a newspaper with an exclusive I find totally disgusting. "If I thought I'd do that I'd resign tomorrow. Fuck right off!
  12. Depressing as fuck with this clown, Ashley, charnley the fakeover and relegation. Pretty soon it will be too much bother to put anything into this pile of shite club anymore. How someone can systematically take the club away from its fans and almost no one outside the area notice is abhorrent.
  13. It will be a positive news story showing the “pashon” the lads have for the club.
  14. Training ground bust-up. Shows were fighting to improve. Pay rise for Bruce.
  15. The kicker was PIF stating “global uncertainty” for withdrawing the offer. That coincided with their change in direction in investment.
  16. Nothing has changed: PIF Saudi offer still withdrawn due to the prolonged process under the current circumstances coupled with global uncertainty that has rendered the potential investment no longer commercially viable.
  17. RS


    Weren’t exactly flying when they were all available. He’s got a load of exbruses now though. Dead unlucky how all these injury crisis follow our Steve around.
  18. People putting their faith in that Doylem man. Unbelievable. Pissing his money away and increasingly making a right hoop of himself. Someone should have a word.
  19. Fulham look toothless and have some hard fixtures coming up. Still convinced we stay up but time will tell. They look better than us. We’re also toothless by the way.
  20. Grew up watching Roeder play for us. RIP
  21. Fulham >NUFC. Can’t be long before we drop into bottom 3
  22. RS


    Still staggering that after all these years charnley is still making the same mistakes with appointing managers of such low calibre. Rafa proved what a good coach can do with an average squad. And still he goes down the same predictable route. I think this relegation will be the end for a lot of fans this time. There is no point in NUFC under Ashley.
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