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Everything posted by RS

  1. A fixed percentage of profit must be put back into local communities.
  2. Because there is no takeover. Yet
  3. RS


    Another season of Ashley and Bruce would finish the sensible support. You’d still get then pensioners doing the St James’s step challenge, the young radgies and the shit excuse brigade but I reckon sub 40k if no COVID restrictions were in place.
  4. RS

    Football governance

    Big six supporters = martyrs the rest = hooligans
  5. Protest? All you have to do is chuck a free ticket their way and our lot will be queuing up to flick Ashley off.
  6. Anything better than 4th bottom would be a travesty. This man has £100 million of players to his name and this is where his coaching has taken us.
  7. 4th bottom suits us like. Mash face deserves it.
  8. There’s a difference between positivity and reality. Unfortunately the people who have picked up the takeover baton seem to be narcissistic self publicists rather than genuine, true fans. They have a clique of desperate supporters wanting change that makes them easy targets. NCSL’s feed has been frankly pathetic if viewed from a neutral perspective. If you have nothing to say (or not allowed to say) don’t fucking say it.
  9. Should have kept it under wraps if indeed he has anything to keep rather than “I’ve got big news but I can’t tell you” shite. He’s just coming across as another Twitter fantasist/bullshit merchant.
  10. Mimms was rumbled as a fraudster. He bailed out leaving his cult to move on to worship (what’s looking more and more like) bullshit Keith.
  11. He’s as thick as his nose
  12. Grass roots investment in schools is key as I believe the children are our future. Improve coaching skills: Teach them well and let them lead the way. It’s not all about football though, they need social skills to show them all the beauty they possess inside and give them a sense of pride to make it easier. It needs to be fun, let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.
  13. I think the issue is that those who are constantly saying it’s off every chance are as tedious as the ones saying it’s definitely on. Nobody knows but if there’s evidence either way post with that. my opinion: PIF have formally withdrawn their bid The owner has started arbitration/legal challenge for whatever reason?
  14. Quite a scoop for the shields gazette
  15. Luke must think he’s never going to have to live report from St James’s again. I predict his Twitter leading to twatter on his return
  16. Nobody knows other than those directly involved. Good or bad. Positive or negative. Nee fucker knows.
  17. You allegedly fed 5000 people with 7 loaves and you’re dissing the bread worship on here??
  18. All the evidence points to the Saudis still being interested in buying the club. If the arbitration is safe and visible I’d be predicting a victory for Mike Ashley. The stench around Masters and the PL in general would make you think that everything would now be above board, which can only help the takeover cause. I’m not supremely confident of a positive outcome but if I had to place a bet I’d say there is more chance of if happening now that being rejected.
  19. Edwards is alive and kicking on this forum, the little disfigured bald cunt that he is.
  20. I’d say so. Unless Indian/mutation Covid has other plans
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