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Everything posted by RS

  1. Relegated. Bruce stays and Di-Marco gets Ashley his compensation. #soon
  2. Premier League top 6 all non-English managers, bottom 6 all English managers.
  3. It’s all so predictably Steve Bruce. Every fucking club. Same conclusion. How depressingly fucking predictable.
  4. RS

    Kevin Keegan

    Loved the Bukta away strip. Incredibly itchy though
  5. Without a doubt it’s the mocking and piss-taking about his management and press conference ramblings that are hurting him the most. How he’s been totally sussed with dragging the same suitcase of comments and excuses around clubs for decades now. The fact people are laughing at him is eating him up. Add to that Jones is respected by the fans and they can see it’s him making a difference must be crushing him. And by the way: We were once 10 points above Man U around the same time of the season once.
  6. RS

    Kevin Keegan

    Heartbreaking trying to think about the then and now. Watching as a kid in his playing days was exciting but the buzz around the place when he first managed. The feeling of anticipation before a game. Even the experience of watching in an absolutely packed boozer when you couldn’t make an away game. Hard to believe we’ve became such a nonentity. A nothing club in the premiership standing. Heartbreaking.
  7. Another defeat has got to make it the pigeon ladies last game surely?
  8. A lot of new accounts seem to come in very angry. Has this always been a thing?
  9. Got to go. Fukin tragic move putting jones in the stands
  10. Wilson’s header was a joy. Textbook technique.
  11. Think he’s got some personal issues. Reading between the lines he’s caught his wife in a sixsome with a load of mags.
  12. Defeat, defeat, defeat. Any win/draw at this point will buy him more time. I’d rather lose the next 3, get rid of him and give the caretaker manager a good run at sorting it. A point or win here will give Bruce 5+ more games to inflict more damage and kick the can down the road. Amazes me people who rightly want Bruce out as he should be nowhere near NUFC but are then happy to welcome and give chance to the caretaker which will be Jones who it is equally as disgusting he is here as it is Bruce. The difference between being up to your eyeballs in shit and being up to your waist in it.
  13. No way that fat cunt is making it up a flight of stairs.
  14. “Look at me look at me, it’s my birthday” Many happy returns. Any chance of what?
  15. He’ll be in charge for the last 5 games to save the club.
  16. “Roll wa leaves up”
  17. His last game tonight. If the players do their usual thing.
  18. Got a feeling that despite lockdown their may be a reception committee for Brucie tomorrow
  19. He only works at “what’s the fucking point” clubs. He’s done his job again.
  20. *pictures Whitley mag fighting with Manorparks over putting head in oven first.
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