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Everything posted by RS

  1. He watched games when Rafa managed because they were worth watching. I’ll wager he’s watched next to nothing under this cabbage heeded cunt.
  2. Should be on the sick with stress
  3. Sky put them up the other day. It was like night and day.
  4. I’m sure this will be his last 2 games. 10 without a win is his usual signing off ticket.
  5. “One of the most powerful myths tells of a primeval creator deity who took the form of a Nile goose, as the Egyptian goose is also called, to lay a golden cosmic egg from which hatched the sun” NUFC’s cosmic egg is about to hatch and the sun will come out for the fans.
  6. Why are you even in this thread? Obviously allowed to. Just don't see the point... . As an alternative to people baselessly cans and sooning it? Do you crave to convince people to think the same as you do? If there was a thread for absolute non believers about the takeover I wouldn't be in it that's for sure You are entitled to do as you wish, but im pretty sure you've made your point in here over and over again. For some people this is their last hope of something positive. Until it's 100% dead let them believe in weird shit, I mean I just don't see the point of being relentless like you and others. Anyways, enjoy your weekend Hope it happens as much as anyone. But the truth is apart from those directly involved nobody has a clue about what’s happening. So the stance should remain the deals off until it isn’t
  7. Why are you even in this thread? Obviously allowed to. Just don't see the point... As an alternative to people baselessly cans and sooning it?
  8. Illogical : Deal is off. MA seeking compensation for lost deal. Logic: photos of loafs of bread etc . Daft letter writing sod off Twitter. Mimms(rip).
  9. HWTFL, this is happening and soon in my opinion. Yes, many of the "dots are being more quickly joined up" (as you said earlier, Whitley mag) and they are joining up more and more quickly. In all honestly, there's not long to go now, in my opinion!! Magnificent Bruce-esque level sound bites and straw-grasping here: soon. the smell of takeover. In my opinion. Dots joined up! What’s the “official” status of this takeover again? That’s a bit low you can call me anything but Bruce-esque. I apologise for stooping so low!
  10. HWTFL, this is happening and soon in my opinion. Yes, many of the "dots are being more quickly joined up" (as you said earlier, Whitley mag) and they are joining up more and more quickly. In all honestly, there's not long to go now, in my opinion!! Magnificent Bruce-esque level sound bites and straw-grasping here: soon. the smell of takeover. In my opinion. Dots joined up! What’s the “official” status of this takeover again?
  11. I just wish someone more professional was taking up this “challenge” with the PL. He’s slowly undone all his credibility.
  12. His “gloves are off”and “my way” patter suggests all is not well between players and manager.
  13. Apart from our lucky wins, how many “high points” has there been during Bruce’s reign? 2/3?
  14. Position almost untenable. Two fucking hidings coming up will finish him.
  15. Google it you lazy twat.
  16. And what the fuck is this: "That's the way it is if you're Newcastle manager or any manager in the Premier League. You can't accept the other night and, unfortunately, it's happened a little bit too often so all the good work in the four games leading up to it...yes we didn't get the result but I thought the way the team played, we did OK”
  17. Doing things his way from now on! Holy shit we’re down.
  18. “Doing the basics well” is for Sunday league. I doubt that any team in the football league is being trained with this diatribe. The man is now confirming he’s an absolute Mike Basset.
  19. I’ve got a vision of him doing a version of Alan Partridges chocolate breakdown but with kebab meat.
  20. Completely sussed. Only the people that share his agent support him now.
  21. 10s We do employ a false number 9 as well like.
  22. As expected, when his luck ran out the true depth of his incompetence would be seen. The pundits will look stupid trying to defend him now.
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