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Everything posted by RS

  1. Not necessarily. I'm only speculating here but the reportings of PIF leaving the table were only ever reportings. It was a formal statement of withdrawal. Perhaps if they hadn’t withdrew they couldn’t change the test. Also though if they did meet the terms of the original test and the PL stalled. It would suggest the club is in a decent position to undertake legal proceedings It was not a formal withdrawal, it was a public statement, there is nothing formal about that. They can say whatever they want in a public statement, it doesn't have to be true and it doesn't formally change anything. The process of formally withdrawing their offer would have been done behind closed doors, if it was. The only elements of withdrawing from the deal that would be public would be discharging charges and dissolving the holding companies on Companies House, and none of that has been done. Also, the O&D test is set out in the PL Handbook, which is published before the start of each season. I doubt they would / could change the test without publishing the changes They issued a formal statement, as I stated. In the post above. Formal as in officially sanctioned. If they haven’t withdrawn the offer surely there would have been progress by now without all the legal manoeuvring? Also, if the offer has been withdrawn (obviously it has) and the PL then change the O&D test PIF will need to comply with the changes
  2. Not necessarily. I'm only speculating here but the reportings of PIF leaving the table were only ever reportings. The conversations have clearly still be ongoing related to this deal rather than another one in the offing. If the PL were to introduce changes to the test, they could not be enforced within the deal from last year, they could (surely) only be for any future dealings. It was a formal statement of withdrawal. Perhaps if they hadn’t withdrew they couldn’t change the test. Also though if they did meet the terms of the original test and the PL stalled. It would suggest the club is in a decent position to undertake legal proceedings for whatever reason.
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/55575321 Villa cattled
  4. if we’re facing facts the takeover is off. Factually you’ll need PIF to say the sale is back on before you can have facts. Currently we have Instagram photos and conjecture. No facts. However, personally I feel that while the legal process is ongoing there’s still a chance that’s it’s not all about Ashley’s compensation.
  5. Did you miss #dryjanuary? His tweets only refer to the takeover and have no relevance to his normal life.
  6. PIF and Qatar joint ownership. One big happy family.
  7. Pardew probably squeaks this on a personal level because he actually believed he was Jesus. Bruce is thundering up the inside though with his shit interviews, pathetic excuses and “boyhood club” patter. He’s Potentially the worst manager we’ve had technically however.
  8. What about next season? It will be the same rinse and repeat process.
  9. I think everyone knows the whole O&D test was corrupt. Proving it is the hard thing.
  10. 2 points from a possible 15. “Ya nuw, I thought wa a bit unlucky at times, but hey, wah improving little by little”
  11. Took the decs down instead. So predictable. Mind us scoring was a surprise. Bruce out.
  12. For a change we should sit back and invite them on
  13. Bit of old school man marking on vardy might keep the score down to 3.
  14. Looking at the table I’d say that’s the bottom 6 worked out. 2 relegation places to fight.
  15. Because the very issue of whether or not the takeover is still ongoing is very much open to debate. This is the purpose of the thread. It’s like someone telling posters that they can only post in the Longstaff thread if it’s positive. Can’t have your cake and eat it like:
  16. There’s been no creditable takeover news for weeks now, just Twittershit from somebody purportedly representative of our fan base making noise. I’d be dubious of becoming bed partners with them, especially after people made a right arse of themselves fawning over mimms. Let’s hope someone actually linked to the takeover gives a positive update soon. I don’t think anyone could stomach another decade of just existing under Ashley’s ownership.
  17. Genuine mentality of a large section of our support. Spunked a draw with Liverpool. As did “out of touch” WBA (only they scored) and suddenly Bruce us an ok coach again. Tragic.
  18. I feel The PL can’t allow the takeover now. They’ve showed their cards on the side of the big 6/Qatar. No going back. I’d expect an out of court settlement for Ashley is the end game to all this.
  19. £40m. £60k a week. Sunday league effort.
  20. 27% possession. 2 shots on target. At home.
  21. 27% possession. 2 shots on target. At home. Won’t be mentioned by the brucelites in the press
  22. Fuck me, That’s some insurance company you’re with!
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