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David Edgar

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Everything posted by David Edgar

  1. No point playing 3 at the back against a single striker. Back to 4-4-1-1 imo.
  2. Not too keen about this.
  3. Saw right through Dyce's clever plan.
  4. David Edgar

    Fabian Schär

    I was worried about what we were getting with him. I'm still not fully convinced, but he is really working out so far. Especially given the price we paid.
  5. David Edgar

    Ki Sung-gone

    This guy has a handful of world class attributes. Like, if he was a yard faster or a bit tougher, he could be playing for a top half side.
  6. That was the very definition of the manager's tactics winning the game. Clever system, Dyce had no idea what to do.
  7. Number 1 CB on the books. Anyone else notice him barking out orders or screaming at players to press the ball? Must be so reassuring for the other lads.
  8. Not to worry, we signed a backup never.
  9. David Edgar

    Jacob Murphy

    He is nowhere near as talented.
  10. Vale just went close to equalising. Sunderland getting lucky.
  11. Vale are properly in this now. Just got to make this pressure pay before Sunderland wake up.
  12. That's such a tough call to make for any official. I don't think we can mock the lino for that.
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