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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Did @Froggy@Froggy ever say De Beek was any cop?
  2. Well it definitely wasn't "in spite of him then" 馃槀 Bear in mind I didn't mention the "top4" bit first. Also I was just being mischievous. I do think, however, he's unfairly maligned. Bought for purpose, it worked, sold for decent money. Then came back and humped us 馃槀馃槀馃槀 Whilst not in the same league, the Wood was shite angle is up there with Eddie only buys English honkies and Tripps' legs have gone 馃槀馃槀馃槀
  3. That's what my mate says about Farage.
  4. Yeah that right Einstein. A team that was relegation fodder achieved top 4 even whilst carrying a passenger 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀
  5. I "liked" Heyzues' first effort, then the next, then the next. Then it dawned on me, perhaps too late, that this was going to go on and on and on. And it did. Went back and "unlike" 2 of them 馃槀 Tbf, not sure why 馃馃槼馃槀 Was reminded of a Paul Calf skit about hearing one morning, on the radio, that "some poor fucker had died" The news was repeated an hour later "Aw that's sad, that" Repeated again an hour later "shame that" And again an hour later "shrug" Hour later "fuck off man, who cares" Or something along those lines 馃槀
  6. Like Man City's country and western combo? Bring it on, yeeeeehaaaaw
  7. Preston North End v Sunderland Dead End
  8. Football fans aren't a reliable source tho 馃槀 Just got to read on here and it's apparent you could voxpop any opinion you wanted 馃槈 Maybees by "carved a niche" I meant shit but good at pennas 馃槣馃槀馃槀 I think he's done alright for himself regardless. Esp considering after he left us he went to Gateshead then a few journayman outfits.
  9. Kept an eye on Tavernier when he left the toon. Carved a very niche, and respectable, career out for himself up there. 9 years, 90 goals. Fair play
  10. Who's this NED 馃槀馃槀馃槀 Miggy would waltz into both Glasgow's "top teams" AND piss that league
  11. Have to bear in mind that regardless of the fact we'll all think the system sucks modern football has these agents embedded in the process. They want their usual salaries also and the total stagnation of the transfer market will be affecting them, massively. There'll be some right agitating going on
  12. A player who I'd have appreciated more if he didn't wear tops 2 sizes too small for him
  13. Not boring. In fact, very entertaining 馃槀馃槀
  14. Call me a sad cunt, a vatnik or whatever BUT this didn't get the appreciation it deserved. Baldists
  15. Pickford is ok, sober, but he's not great. Was reminiscing about the heady days of Shilton v Clemence when poor Joe Corrigan couldn't get a look in. Decided to go down an England keeper rabbit hole. Some interesting characters in the list. Especially when you get down to those with 1 cap. Bloke at 114 is absolutely class, btw http://www.englandfootballonline.com/TeamGkprs/GkprsMstApps.html
  16. Even better, given he hasn't been in gardening leave so should be upto speed
  17. See Paqueta got booked again
  18. Merely a punt. Someone (ITK) suggested a couple of "big" signings & iirc "Trippier esque" She's the only full back I kna 馃槀
  19. Unfortunately the 3rd trait he shows is being forrin and, according to some diddlywacks on here, that's a no-no for Eddie Farage
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