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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Fair play to them there like. Their press is immense. Might be because we're poor but credit where credits due
  2. Appreciate wheve been giving the ball away too much and, a tad, weak in the tackles but it's almost like people don't expect a team in form, at home, in the Prem to have a decent spell early doors ?
  3. Only one let down
  4. It's obvs not corruption but when you look at those 3, Young, penalty incidents and not one goes to the screen, not one. Add the Grealish hand ball, ditto then a sprinkle of Wan-Bissaka's toe and you get the sense of......er......incompetence
  5. If we're being empathetic to a young lad who's had, for whatever reasons, a tough couple of seasons then bringing him back in house would be the correct thing to do. Show him he's not forgotten and get him back on track.
  6. He plays football in the same way he hits punch bags
  7. Gannon's pal Dim McGuinness coming to the rescue. Apparently all the EFL's fault ? May 2nd local election but early last week was when all the postal votes dropped. Absolutely no suprise they sat on the decision until the last minute. I've campaigned for Lab. Postal votes are paramount and nothing gets in the way.
  8. That Gannon is a right wanker. Always has been.
  9. It's entirely down to the tories, money wise. Deliberately starving LAs budgets so they're forced to sell assets and outsource services. In this instance the council have decided, in what can only assume is future proofing any sale, to not have any baggage. Anyone on that committee should be voted out May 2nd Any tory cunt voted out, regardless
  10. Ultimately blame the tories but here's a Lab council leader trying to big up handing leisure services over to charities etc I suspect that's the crux of the matter.
  11. Was gonna let this slide but what the heck. What a load of fucking drivel. Longstaff doesn't hide from the ball, ever. You can argue all day long how good, or bad, he is on or off the ball but he doesn't hide.
  12. Watched the game, for my sins, yesterday. Apart from Ginger Duncan scoring the winner, George Honeyman had a decent game. Had the Millwall comms on 2nd half and they kept calling O'9... O'Neen I'd be annoyed if I cared ?
  13. Red Devil in the replies is your archetypal "Big6" fan. Aka a cunt
  14. .......has died. The only post that should ever appear on here.
  15. Hear they're after a "Legacy Fan Liason Officer" Here's the job description.....
  16. Fuck cleaning the weeds out of that block paving.
  17. Had 4 tickets after applying to all but 1. Actually went for Platinum for Brighton but flunked that as well. Usually Cat1 or 2 Notwithstanding the issues other people have had we're happy enough. Hey fucking ho
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