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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. To be fair that's my philosophy on life, never mind football. Nailed
  2. I don't know who's the bigger cunt. Martinez or that commentator.
  3. "We've got Mirandinha He's not from Argentina He's from Brazil He's fucking brill" Some interesting comments in this thread....
  4. I know, the "wokeness" thing did it for me as well. Usually people who go all "woke" & "snowflake" haven't got a Scooby ? However, Curly does have a point. It's not even "cultural vandalism has been done before so let's do it here" Listed buildings and architecturally/ historically interesting land is rebuilt over/on all the time. Sometimes it's for the common good. Sometimes what replaces it works. Sometimes it doesn't. I'm all for keeping beautiful buildings and parkland, for eg, that's been bequeathed for public use BUT exceptions are made. Not saying cultural vandalism isn't prevalent, it is, concrete jungles abound ? I've been getting Private Eye for nearly 40 years and their "Nooks & Crannies" page shows, fortnightly, the plight of our heritage. Mainly at the hands of dodgy builders/landlords and councillors. "At six foot six And 100 Tons The undisputed King of the Slums With more alias' than Klaus Barbie Master Butcher of Leigh on Sea Just about to take the stage The one and only - hold the front page"
  5. It's a no brainier for me. It's currently a field full of cow shit with a dimly lit path for students to traverse and a bit for helicopters to land near the RVI. A ground over by the Barrack road side would still leave enough greenery on the Richardson road side. Christ they could even "park" that bit as well so there's beautiful parkland from the Strawberry all the way upto the Cosy Dove
  6. That clearly IS the case tho. People bleating on that ASM was undersold are utterly deluded. Literally no other club wanted him. NOT. ONE We got what the only offer was and accepted. This was his worth.
  7. I agree, but the park isn't in peak condition by any measure. Obvs 14 years of tory cuts etc etc, a Labour council handing servicing of the park to a charity that's on its bones. Castle Leazes student accommodation on the death list Perfect Storm to build on Castle Leazes (still walking distance from the city centre) Bribe the council with the offer to totally revitalise Leazes Park AND add the current ground footprint into the whole feature walkway upto the new ground.
  8. If plan C is a goer.... then so should plan D be. Just tell the Freeman to suck my plums
  9. Coe is as bent af and a tory cunt to boot. Watch it happen.
  10. Been said before but I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to "Regulators" Especially when the Gvt of the day hides behind their so called "independence" I'm old enough to remember PM Johnson being fully behind the ESL until public opinion took hold. These are money men, they'll go where the money goes.
  11. Hindsight anyway but, given how the season progressed with injuries it was probably a blessing our involvement in Europe ended when it did. Doubt we'd be in with a sniff, however fragile, of 5th. Ps appreciate further involvement may have just been a 2 leg tie v Rennes ?
  12. Tbf, simply being in a position where 5th, tho hugely improbable, is still possible is outrageous in itself. Would be orgasmic, given the circumstances. 2 teams that dumped us out of the "Group of Death" into the semi-final, I see ?
  13. See that technology used in the RNIB shirts? Need to bung a bit of that in NUFC branded boxer shorts. Every time we score you get a vibration in the ball bag. I mean it happens anyway but, at my age, it'll help ?
  14. Having a whipround ? https://x.com/AJE_Sport/status/1778684205968368118
  15. Got TOONdle in a one'r just now. Suck my plums
  16. I've gone from being happy to take a point off of Tottenham to winning every game in the run in and finishing above them ?⚽??
  17. Me neither ? ? ?☝️?........................"Morning" in emoji/sign language
  18. Anyways, I totally agree with this massive happy clapper.....❤️?????????
  19. I'm not sure what "more" you think they should've/could've done. It was there to see on live tv ffs ?? Iconic footage of BDB then straight to the bairns. Fucked up the footage of the 2nd goal while they were milking it ? Joking apart, it WAS live. The 2 introduction videos on all the clubs media were brilliant as well. BBC editorial policy is upto them.
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