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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    Let me guess - theyre a small professional / large amatuer club with an annual budget for the medical department of £500. Whereas NUFC is a large professional club, playing in the "Best league in the world" TM and our annual budget for the medical department is.......£500.
  2. I think we need a map showing whats Mexican and whats not....
  3. Rafa? Or was it Stan Seymour....
  4. So Mexico being in North America means Mexicans arn't Mexican
  5. Theres a story in Popbitch about a dodgy 'exec at a big club' overpaying for a player by 20M and it not being 'immediately clear where the remaining balance ended up'. If theres clues in the text about who it is or who the club is then I havnt figured it out??
  6. Divvnt bite Everton fans are about to embark on an amazing Journey with a world class manager while we wonder what could have been.
  7. Looks like weve lost @Yorkie to the Everton forum. Judas
  8. Are you saying someone on twitter is full of shit? Outrageous.
  9. https://www.grandoldteam.com/forum/threads/rafael-benitez.113286/page-167
  10. Tbh Rondon isnt exactly the most exciting of signings but once their fans see how hard he works and how he slots into rafas systen theyll come round.
  11. That Guardian link with Buffon - Ive just snorted tea out when he said nazi slurs had hurt him so was going to give up the number '88' but he initially wanted the '01' number after the General Lee car in the Dukes of Hazzard .
  12. VIP prison wing?? Is he out of touch or am I??
  13. No mention of Bruce or Charnley there. The 2 people who are the most 'hands on' with the club on a day to day basis. That logic has a MAHOOSIVE flaw in it pmsl. I also take it that the state of the platinum club, the dead pigeons and other stuff doesnt count as 'essential repairs'.
  14. These charts for wage expenditure - is this just for first team squad? Entire playing staff? Manager and coaches too? Or is it literally EVERYONE at the club who receives a wage?
  15. Yeah - all this whole sorry mess has done is expose what a shitshow the PL is, its clubs, its owners, its sponsors everyone. We all knew it was dirty, but i think most of us didnt realise just how dodgy whole structure was.
  16. How long before the January warchest patter starts......
  17. Of course hes not trying to sign players on his own. Is he filling in all the paperwork and doing the medical himself??
  18. If it was bathroom accessories or chesty ladies this would never have happenned.
  19. I like this. Ron Atkinson: Strengths - Sheepskin coat and combover make him impervious to damage. Weaknesses - Prone to Prince Philiip style verbal gaffs, often leading to resignation.
  20. Where are West Ham getting all these extra squad places from?
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