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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Apparantly the odds on Bruce leaving and Howe coming in have changed this evening?? Anyone confirm?
  2. Lazarus

    In memoriam

    Way before mine too - I knew him from TV. Unbelievable record at scoring goals and genuinely one of the greats.
  3. Did his knee ever explode after leaving us?
  4. The players are getting tired - dont think theyve been fit all season.
  5. Has Jones spent all match in the technical area giving instructions?
  6. Who's this Jasper Carrot lookalike pretending to be a ref?
  7. As Ive said before in this thread - fan ownership is a wonderful idea. But its an idea for the future, for when the PL start caring about the fans or when Ashley fucks off. Not now. There are MUCH bigger problems than this at the club currently. Any supporters group should be focused on these issues for the time being. I know the trust has raised an enormous amount of money and if any charity sees a penny of it they should be applauded, of course they should. But extrapolating the sum raised in the time taken to raise it, then centuries must pass before theres enough to get a seat at the table. Even if I win the maximum jackpot on the Euromillions I would still need double or triple to make the club viable - the days of John Hall or Jack Walker pumping 30m or 40m into a club to compete for the title have long since disappeared. Any fan ownership of a club would, in my opinion, have to be gifted not bought. The sums involved are simply too astronomical. In the wider context, there should also be fan representation at the FA and at the PL, but i think we all know this will never happen.
  8. Yeah - its been perfectly setup for a 2 or 3 nil win. Bruce will be buzzing.
  9. Why dont you say what you really mean instead of holding back?
  10. Theres kicking someone when theyre down... ....and theres that
  11. All hes doing is ruining his reputation by staying. Who's gonna employ him after this?
  12. Hes certainly on the same level now for me.
  13. Thing is, he mustve known it wasnt going to get any better than the 12th place last year. The smugness levels wouldve been off the charts if he had left in the summer.
  14. Lazarus

    Plane spotting

    Love the aviation thread.
  15. Shouting for Bruce to go is harmful to the team? What about the poor facilities, the lack of playing squad investment, the crap tactics and game management etc etc etc
  16. Bruce is due one of his swawny games where our 2 single shots on targets are goals and defense has a blinder.
  17. Er....not backing a manager financially means not backing him. Not that it matters to Brucie - he seems quite happy to be shat on.
  18. Ronny Gill is saying Brucies win percentage is now 30.1% with 39 defeats from 93 matches in charge. Another 'article' says our next manager could be Steve Cooper. Yes, another Steve () and no, Ive bever heard of him either.
  19. He has to walk. Has to. If he doesnt, he's basically telling his current employer and any future one that he doesnt mind being shit on. Bruce would have known this was the case before he joined. He would have known he would be shit on at some point in his time here, he would have known it was coming - and yet he still came. And then hoyed his toys out the pram when it happenned. How he thought he would be treat differently to previous managers here i dont know. I dont think he's naive, he's been in the game a LONG time and will have seen his fair share dodgy owners/chairman and executives at the clubs hes been at - maybe he thought he could use his 'friendly charm' to influence things here.
  20. Give the injury as long as it needs?? That would be a first Brucie!
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