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Everything posted by Thumbheed

  1. Debating the merits of these executions is probably not the path best trodden, considering the only info we have on the "crimes" commited by those excuted is from the Saudi media.
  2. "Saudi Arabia beheaded 81 people today?" is not really opening gambit of a sensible discussion, is it? No issue with the discussion of our ownership, but we don't have to result to petty swipes in order to agitate that discussion, a lot of this board are openly uncomfortable with the ownership as it is.
  3. Coming into a footballing thread to try and infer questionable moral integrity of the fans on a forum which already had a specific thread in chat on the very subject which long preceded our ownership is not the hot take you think it is. Show me how many football forums had the moral aptitude to even bother discussing the heinous actions of KSA before they were even a dot on the footballing horizon and I'll happily walk this comment back.
  4. Dunno if it's been mentioned but was at the game apparently.
  5. I actually thought that was one of his poorer games tbh but still levels above anything he's produced in the previous 2 years. I'm actually a fan of the fact he's actually applying himself for once and still think his selection in the team is merited based on his recent performances, but yesterday probably highlighted why we need someone who knows how to play that particular role and who won't be phased when playing against teams who dominate possesion like Brighton did.
  6. Naah, I wouldn't change anything from the last game.
  7. Probably get pelters for this but he wouldn't start for me even if he was fully fit. I know it was only against 10 men but the team looked so much more fluid in attack with Murphy and Fraser on the wings.
  8. Think he'll start to see 'signs' tonight
  9. Still at a 9.5, but only because I need to own it and I was very much an early bedwetter.
  10. Strange one this, because I actually agree with what you're saying but then I ask myself why wouldn't we want more open discussions in the football? What harm could it possibly have it football was operated with that level of transparency and openess?
  11. Thought we were a little unlucky tonight and sometimes you just need a bit of luck I can understand the fans frustration, but believe you me they won't be as frustrated as I am tonight. Look We go again
  12. Emphatically proving me wrong and happy to admit that. He's seemingly addressing the checklist of concerns I'd had about his appointment and from what I'd seen early doors but needless to say, I'm now fully onboard the Howe train.
  13. Aye he did. He was very much the missing piece in Rafa's counter attacking strategy and turned us from a team who could grind out results to a team that could thoroughly outplay teams. It wasn't a coincidence that our form rocketed after he signed. He was even singled out for some rough treatment from the opposition very quickly because of how impact full he was on thr break.
  14. Thumbheed

    Dan Burn

    What a smart signing this may turn out to be. Excellent today.
  15. I dont think anyone's being defensive, it's just that you're making a shit point. Our best team is the one that's winning on the field, not on paper.
  16. I think he could learn to be a bit more patient and perhaps not get drawn into congested areas so much in search of the ball. Not that he's not good enough to receive the ball in those positions, he clearly is, but I'd just like to see him hugging the touchline a tiny bit more and increasing his chances of getting into more 1 on 1 scenarios where he's absolutely lethal.
  17. I mean, he's not great imo but he's playing an important role for us.
  18. Thumbheed


    If this guy was signed as a midfielder there wouldn't be a single criticism of him. Willock and Shelvey were Howe's go to midfielders when he first came in and they struggled to make it difficult for the opposition. That all changed once Joelinton was moved into midfield. This guy may not be pure technique but his influence is priceless.
  19. I genuinely don't understand how people forget how little he started and how often he was thrown on the pitch with 10 mins to go. We literally had a Che Guevara mock up of him it got so blatant ffs.
  20. Apologies if already posted but this is now my favourite stat of all time.
  21. Aye, him looking to instinctively move the ball forward and play into space should hopefully set the tone for our forward players to make the right kinds of runs going forward. Always said a good pass is only as good as the run made.
  22. Shades of Jose Enrique.
  23. Thumbheed


    Joelinton man, desperate for you to bag and get that composure in front of goal, otherwise solid game tonight.
  24. Got it right again tonight. Seems to have the mental/psychology side of management down to a tee.
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