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Everything posted by SweMag

  1. It really doesn't matter how many "people" are interested in buying us, as long as Mike Ashley is involved in negotiations, it's always going to end in disappointment. I have no doubts about the interest/bids for the club in the past. I think they've all been genuine but the 1 and only t*** blocking any potential sale has been Mike Ashley all along. You really still believe that BZG, Kenyon, Barry Moat, GACP sports (I've probably missed a few more obvious ones) are all genuine? You really think they’re all not? Undoubtedly, some have been/are bollocks, but if you genuinely think they’re ALL that way, then you probably believe the moon landings were faked also. Name one that you think was genuine ... Peter Kenyon with GACP.
  2. From Mark Douglas: Why keep stirring up the fans? Why publish this as new news when they reported the exact same thing in January? In January Mark Douglas stated the source came from the Ashley camp. Again.. what kind of new information is this? He knows absolutely nothing. He knows nothing about the deal, why pretend as if he does?
  3. Wouldn’t it be foolish to come back a second time to buy the club if you’re not confident to complete it? Amanda Staveley made three bids last time. She did business with Mike Ashley. She ate dinner with him. She was called time-waster. Why return if you’re not confident to complete this time?
  4. Yes and people are still buying it. :lol: I don’t see what’s wrong with people having hope of a takeover. If you think it’s a ”fakeover” keep it for yourself instead of having a go on others. Not very contributing. The irony coming from a new poster. :lol I’ve been at this forum before your time neesy
  5. Yes and people are still buying it. :lol: I don’t see what’s wrong with people having hope of a takeover. If you think it’s a ”fakeover” keep it for yourself instead of having a go on others. Not very contributing.
  6. Mark Douglas knows nothing. He’s said it himself. But still he continues to stirr up fans on Twitter.
  7. I'm left wondering why Staveley feels Ashley is likely to sell to her after the way the last attempt ended. I can see it ending the same way this time too. At this point I honestly don't know what to think of Staveley. She's the only party that has seemed credible in their attempts (BZG was bollocks from the start, although nobody would have that at the time of course). There has to be a slight possibility she's having us on and anyone who discounts that absolutely would be slightly foolish given the history here. Amanda Staveley talked to the media in February 2019: “We are big fans of Newcastle, big fans of the team,” she said. “We have no issue with Mr Ashley, that (the ”time waster” claim) is water under the bridge. It’s still an interesting club to us, the fans are fantastic...” Wouldn’t it be foolish to come back a second time to buy the club if you’re not confident to complete it? She made three bids last time. She did business with Mike Ashley. She ate dinner with him. She was called time-waster. Why return if you’re not confident to complete this time? Remember Amit Bhatia? The chairman at QPR who commented ”good luck with it I’m excited for you” in an article on Twitter about the Reuben brothers involved in the deal. He’s a friend of both James Reuben and Carla DiBello. Both James Reuben and Carla DiBello are said to be involved in the negotiations. Remember Mike Ashley’s private plane and helicopter who recently vistited Genève (where the Reuben brothers are located) and a place in France very close to Mohammed bin Salman’s mansion. Oh boy how I want this takeover to happend
  8. I will never understand Ashley. I will always feel disgust when I think about him. I will always have respect for our fanbase. If you hate our fans you must take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why. I’m sure the answer will be Mike Ashley.
  9. Carla DiBello is clearly involved somehow or has been involved. Maybe a contact for the Saudi side or something. She’s also a friend of Jamie Reuben, Mohammed bin Salman and Amanda Staveley’s husband.
  10. Prince Harry is in Miami at the moment, perhaps he's involved too. Hehe. The question is who isn’t involved? But so much talks of ”Ashley back in the UK to make decision of NUFC sale” two weeks ago from a lot of papers and journalists. Now left for Miami most likely.
  11. Mike Ashley back at his place in Miami it seems. At least his private plane landed there recently.
  12. Yes blame Midhat for Odin mixing with WhatsApp conversations in Photoshop.
  13. It is getting closer #toon #toon Thats what it says. no screen shots though
  14. Lee Ryder and Mark Douglas both stirring up fans on Twitter by claiming this and that. They know nothing. They just want clicks on their website. Poor journalists.
  15. Probably nothing but... 30 Jan: Ashley’s private plane (G-MATO) flies from London to Genève, Switzerland. The Reuben Brothers are located in Genève: https://www.reubenbrothers.com/general-contacts/ 2 Feb: After three days in Genève the plane returns to London. 3 Feb: Four days without any activity (days when his plane was in Genève) Ashley’s helicopter (G-MAOL) leaves England and flies to France and was spotted very close to Mohammed Bin Salman’s mansion near Versailles. 4 Feb: The helicopter returns to England and High Wycombe before flying to Oxford in the evening. Ashley in the stand watching Oxford - NUFC.
  16. Was this only his second game he’s been at this season?
  17. The helicopter from yesterday made a return journey to the UK and landed in Oxfordshire today. Where did you see this?
  18. Another rumour but probably nothing: A lawyer based in Dubai, Paul Stothard: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-stothard-2238a528?originalSubdomain=uk has claimed this:
  19. Just a way of selling papers and to generate clicks on their website. They know nothing.
  20. Why would the Saudi side be a part of negotiations for months and then leak it just to see how the response is from the English media? It’s more likely.. say Ruban Ghandi, finance director at QPR who knows his fellow board member Jamie Reuben is in talks with NUFC. He leaks it to Bradley Hope who is based in London and writes the article about the takeover in the Wall Street Journal.
  21. God no I don’t do Photoshop. I basically don’t believe the takeover will happend but I do believe George Caulkin and I do believe the £250k fee has been paid etc. Thanks for your input LV. And I don’t.
  22. I live in the belief this club will be sold this time. Much more fun thinking about a potential takeover than watching a clueless Steve Bruce trying to make us play football. I’m not expecting it to be sold though It’s not a fakeover. Confirmed (or understood) both by George Caulkin and Sky Sports due diligence is completed and that this takeover is at an advanced stage. A fee of £250k has been paid. The price is not an issue. Evidence of proof of funds. Some details left. Mike Ashley back in the country. No denial from Amanda Staveley, Mike Ashley, Saudi Arabia or the Reuben brothers. Mike Ashley will never get a better opportunity to sell the club and he knows it. But it’s up to him now.
  23. In the Peter Kenyon fakeover he (Mike Ashley) lost almost £1m in costs according to Mark Douglas. He wants to sell, but he wants to sell on his conditions with Sports Direct clauses etc included in the sell.
  24. Where did Caulkin say that? Mirror making it sound like it’s all wind and p*ss again Check his tweets and answers on Twitter.
  25. The Mirror: ”Ashley insists that a non returnable bond of £250,000 is paid to him before any due diligence on the club takes place from an interested party. So far that has not been forthcoming from the Saudi Arabian Investment Fund who will be backing any offer from Bin Salman and his partners.” George Caulkin just confirmed a fee of 250k was paid weeks/months ago.
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