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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. I don't think we're disagreeing here, the world's gone absolutely mad. Just think it's so funny that the people who are completely against politics and any kind of Marxist influenced praxis are the ones who were unknowingly much closer to doing it in the interests of 'fairness' (while admittedly simping for hypercapitalists like Musk) than the NFTers who think they're doing it but aren't. Fair play to anyone who can pick any of this apart and make any sense of it because there are so many things happening in all of these different realms that are completely contradictory, even on a personal level.
  2. I love how the reaction to the shorting of GameStop and the creation of the European Super League was done by people who are hugely and vocally antithetical to politics, let alone any kind of Marxist theory, yet there's apparently a movement of NFT advocates that think they're doing praxis. It's incredible.
  3. Think about the reality of what you're both saying. Clark going to head it while Dubravka tries to claim/punch it. Another type of fuck up basically. Clark's the first man, is able to clear it, no one shouts for him to leave it, and for some unknown reason decides to leave it. The one thing I would blame Dubravka for is maybe for not assuming that Clark would inevitably fuck it up, so he should have had that in mind and taken responsibility.
  4. In the cases of Wigan and Portsmouth it would be a bit like San Marino being in the WCQs, but if it brings money into those clubs while doing it, I'm all for it - particularly as there's been nothing put in place to replace the Cup Winners Cup.
  5. Hands down getting an NUFC bootbag and then opening them to see these bad boys as worn by my favourite player David Ginola and by Les Ferdinand. Getting the McEwan's Lager version of the Asics kit and the Christmasses in 94 and 95 getting the coat and the training gear were class as well.
  6. Given is as near we've got and just as far as shot-stopping goes he was a top 'keeper imo. Man City's first goal was 100% Clark's fault imo.
  7. The odd bit of mindlessness Srnicek's a cult hero but let's not pretend he was any good because he wasn't. He made errors fairly regularly which is why him, for a time Hooper, and then Shaka were in and out of the team. They were all shite. The idea that Dubravka makes the same level of mistakes that Srnicek did every game is just pure hyperfantasy. I wouldn't agree, but I could definitely take the argument of someone preferring Krul when he was at his best for us, but everyone else aside from Given in the PL era has been comfortably worse than Dubravka.
  8. It wouldn't matter how good it is or how much I'd enjoy it, the WC being every 2 years would immediately degrade what it means to win it or take part in it for me. A huge part of the win/lose element of the whole thing is having to wait another 4 years for the next one and I like that about it. We're almost at saturation point with football anyway and as we've seen with the pandemic, there's almost no room to maneouvre as it is. It seems like this is the next step they're choosing in the whole insane economic model of needing infinite growth. If they get away with this step being successful, it's just a step nearer to them taking the next one or the one after too far and the whole thing collapsing imo, just like we saw with the ESL.
  9. Had a feeling this was going to happen.
  10. And completely ignores Michael Edwards being at the top of most people's lists
  11. Haven't we only ended talks with Emary and Emenalo? Both of which were given the N-O seal of approval.
  12. Not necessarily best value, that would probably go to Perez for me, as much as he frustrated the life out of me, but we definitely got the value out of Ritchie in the first 2 seasons and should have moved on then. If we had done he wouldn't be still here, with paceless graft and a final ball being the only things he can potentially offer.
  13. You might snigger but he was the player that dragged us back up at the end of 16/17. Scoring massively important goals and putting in MOTM performances. Same goes to a lesser extent in 17/18 and us staying up.
  14. Likewise Ritchie. It makes me squirm a bit seeing the pelters he gets when you think back to him being a huge part of us coming up and staying up. The criticism's absolutely fair but it's 99% that he's past it/playing in the wrong position/should have been improved upon ages ago rather than him not putting the graft in.
  15. The way they try and gaslight everyone with their whole 'we've always been at war with Eurasia' bollocks is what I can't stand from the officials and Peter Walton. They stand there smugly and tell current and ex-pros, in front of an audience of millions that watch football every week, to not believe their own eyes, that the polar opposite inconsistencies they all see from one week to the next aren't happening because of whatever contradictory reason they make up on the spot, and that "hnnn well ahktually" the rules have been applied correctly. Oh yeah, and then we're all expected to respect them for doing such a hard job. It is, so say that and be honest about mistakes being made. It's the blatant lying, covering of each others arses, and disrespect for our intelligence that's why there's a huge lack of respect for them. Fucking look at Fraser's non penalty today, the apparently "high bar for giving penalties" and then think about Maddison's penalty last week. They're absolutely shameless.
  16. Thought Robertson's was a red tbh, but thought Kane's was too and that Liverpool should have had another clear penalty.
  17. Finally a match good enough that it overshadowed the terrible, inconsistent performance from the officials
  18. TAA's tackle was a pen as well. No idea where this idea it was a great tackle comes from, he goes through Fraser to get to the ball.
  19. Yeah, brain-dead ones, in my opinion.
  20. I see N-O still has the capacity for having its brain-dead moments.
  21. Hard to not be conspiratorial when the decisions are that unbelievably bad and all immediately post takeover.
  22. As bad imo, but then who are you playing instead of Hayden in midfield if you do that?
  23. If you've decided to rest Schar, who else are you starting ahead of Clark that's better?
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