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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Dr Jinx


    Agreed, also looked far more useful playing a deeper role ?‍♂️
  2. Worst I’ve ever seen us play. By some distance. How it’s only 1-0 I’ll never know.
  3. Has some interesting insights into MBS I suppose, but the article itself comes to some weird conclusions. For instance claiming that he might not be better than Mike Ashley for the club because it's unlikely he'd spend well over £1 billion of his cash on transfers ?. Quite contradictory at times as far as the quotes and conclusions go. Aye can’t remember big mike spending a billion on transfers. He was going to, but then Keegan got greedy and asked for 2bn. That was the exact moment Ashley fell out of love with football. “It’s just become too commercial” he’s rumoured to have said at the time.
  4. In the last 2 seasons we’ve both beaten them and come back to get a draw. Both of those teams we played were stronger than what we’ll face today. No Aguero, no Fernandinho, no Stones, possibly no Foden. They’re not great at the back. Still awesome going forward but maybe just a little less sharp without Aguero. They should be more tired than us, especially having 20 mins or so of trying to get an equaliser against Chelsea with 10 men. We’re still on a hiding to nothing but we have a chance if we turn up to take it.
  5. If Hayden doesn’t play he’ll be a big miss. Same goes for Ritchie, he may not be a lot of things but in that system we play his graft is hard to replace.
  6. Agreed on Caulkin. His wording has changed noticeably over the last week. Even today he said “I’ll judge the new owners if and when they arrive” IF? The fuck is that!? Something doesn’t feel right about the situation.
  7. I’m not worried about her in the slightest. The PL have already told her to fuck off in the politest of ways. The whole thing is a farce at this stage though. We should be told what the hold up is. There’s just contradictions everywhere. The club have remained silent officially but even Steve Bruce has publicly said that Lee Charnley told him they are in the dark about what’s happening. Now we know that’s not entirely true. The club have been informed as they are the ones passing messages on to the buyers. Whether that’s above Charnleys pay grade is another thing but I’m sure he’s had information. It’s impossible to read into and it’s looking like all areas of the press have been bullshitting us throughout.
  8. Well now we know what the hold up is if the PL have been going to the club first.
  9. Dr Jinx

    Miguel Almirón

    I’m not turning against him at all. There’s no player in the squad I want it to work out for more. But by your same reasoning, how do you explain ASM being a success? While I agree some players need more coaching, they can’t use that as an excuse for doing basic things poorly. Almiron could be a huge success here if he stepped up a bit. Nobody else is going to do it for him. But if he stays as is, it’s not going to work out.
  10. Dr Jinx

    Miguel Almirón

    I really like the player as he gives everything but am beginning to run out of excuses why he’s been absolute pony for the guts of the time he’s been here. For the abundance of pace he has, he never seems to have any time on the ball. Constantly snatches at shots or runs into dead ends. Poor decision making. Honest question, do you think he’ll be good enough to be a player in this team once the takeover happens?
  11. I agree, it’s an ideal time to make the decision. As much as that makes sense I think if they did that people would be screaming about the timing taking the gloss off their title win. ?‍♂️
  12. I’m happy enough with this. What do we care how long his contract is for? The thing is wholesale changes rarely work in football. You need a few dependable players you can make up the guts of the squad with and then just add key players here and there. He’s not amazing every game but he’s consistent which the other 2 right backs are not. I see this more as a sign that the new owners are prepared to let Bruce stay on for at least a year.
  13. Where did you get this from ? Sky news reported the meeting yesterday morning. Firstly that representatives from all the clubs would meet in a zoom call I guess and then they mentioned that there was a senior board meeting taking place later in the afternoon to discuss a number of issues. Sky News didn’t mention the takeover. I’m just making an assumption it was on the ticket. The last zoom meeting with all the clubs didn’t require senior level PL, so I’m guessing they were making bigger decisions? This isn’t ITK bullshit. Just an educated guess. But at least I own up to that ?
  14. Can't see anything being released today. They won't want fans near SJP on a match day. Yes agreed. Would be bedlam down there. I also am of the line of thinking that even despite the concessions the Saudis have seemed to make in the last few days that we could still get a no from the PL If supporting this club has taught me anything it’s that when I finally think something good is within reach, reality hits and then more Mike Ashley we get.
  15. The PL had a senior level board meeting yesterday after talking with clubs earlier I believe the decision was made then. I’m not sure how it works in terms of informing the buyers. I would imagine it goes to their legal team to draw up its findings, then goes back to Masters to sign before being couriered to the buyers legal team. (Simple things tend to be retarded at this level)
  16. With the money they have, why generally are the Middle East nations so behind when it comes to “media” and by that I mean, graphic design, web, protecting content etc. Everything they do screams the mid 00’s
  17. Anyone saying they don’t want to win the cup needs their head checked. The trophy drought is a massive monkey on our back as a club. If Steve Bruce managed to do it he should get the recognition for the achievement. Yes we’ve had the easiest cup draw in about 20 years (up to now) but you still have to beat what’s in front of you. As for Villa. They can rot, but I really dislike West Ham too..
  18. Dr Jinx


    Remember before we signed him looking at the YouTube videos. The phrase “the new Firmino” was used several times. Absolute nonsense. I can’t tell what sort of player he is or wants to be. He was more direct today but you don’t just suddenly decide you’re going to start playing like a no.9! In any case, hopefully some new confidence will bring more goals before the season is over.
  19. Without the takeover I think it would have been very difficult to keep ASM. By far our best player.
  20. Honestly I won’t be shocked if they give him a year. However, if FFP rules are to be relaxed then I can’t see this consortium putting full trust in him to spend big and we might only have 2 seasons of that so why would they waste that opportunity. He took us to safety, exceeding all expectations. Whatever happens he can never be spoken of as being the worst manager we’ve ever had, far from it actually.
  21. It’s like being in school and there’s that weird kid who just can’t help himself. Probably got Aspergers but never diagnosed. Doesn’t get the concept of not being liked so can’t fathom why he’d be getting any stick at all.
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