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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Fuck George Caulkin. He’s shown he knows fuck all about this and is still trying to get clicks off his overly inflated reputation with nufc supporters. He’s let us down here. It’s the hope that kills isn’t it. Am utterly deflated by today’s events.
  2. Well he’s mates through golf with Richard Bevan isn’t he. So he’d definitely hear things about all that from a managers side of things. How he knows about Mike Ashley being the one to slow things up is another thing though. I’m not doubting his claims, just wonder if said source really knows what he claims to be talking about? ?‍♂️
  3. Exclusivity over. A fake bid by fake Henry Mauriss and now he’s looking for PIF to bid an extra 50 million based on competition and that we avoided relegation. Or he’s just buying some time so he can pocket the next tv money instalment
  4. I think the wording of the articles earlier this evening is telling. The PL did talk to someone off the record but in a very deliberate way. They use the word delay instead of reject and shift the focus from human rights or piracy to needing clarification on the structure of the club as the only remaining issue. That’s very easy to clarify (as if it wasn’t already) That just paves the way for another article in a few days from now to say that they’ve now been given what they need and it can proceed. It will look like another round of negative stories but read between the lines and I think what they’re saying is that the piracy and human rights concerns have been addressed.
  5. Yes no way would KSA walk away embarrassed by it all falling apart. They’ll take whatever recourse they need to ensure that this happens. Pressure on the tories will be huge, who of course can’t get involved officially.. but in back channels they’ll be in the thick of it. I’m surprised at how quiet Staveley and the Reubens have been though.
  6. Bournemouth winning again. They have a chance. A 90th minute West Ham winner would make my day. I’d happily give Liverpool 4 goals second half just to see that.
  7. Preparation? NUFC ? Perfect excuse for Mike to not spend any money. Mike is gone. Have faith.
  8. I promise I'm not saying this just to be contrary or a knob... but they won't give a flying f*** about that, I guarantee it. Oh I agree. But they won’t want to be accused of it ?
  9. Once it ran into the restart of the PL, it was never going to be announced before then. The window opens on Monday. I think we could see something announced then. The PL won’t want to be accused of affecting a teams preparation for the season ahead.
  10. Quick someone hire a helicopter to have a quick check over the training ground and then head over to SJP.. I’ll chip in a fiver
  11. Absolute bollocks. Imagine paying to read that fantasy s****. You’d really have to question that publication if something like that gets approved. Lazaro has been decent aside from a shaky start. Dangerous on the ball. Does the basics well. A real eye for goal. Who knows why he hasn’t been picked. I’m assuming there’s some sort of clause if he plays a certain number of games, or maybe the club has to pay a higher wage for games he starts. Or maybe he just has no intention of signing full time for us. It’s most certainly not a footballing decision. If we had a first option it would be a no brainer. Are the athletic turning into the clubs mouthpiece?
  12. Dr Jinx


    What’s the craic with the league table? Both bbc and sky have Wycombe in 3rd on 59 points, yet the two teams directly below them have 60 points?
  13. The same points that were debated to death on the last 1000 page thread on this are being debated again. Please stop. It will be approved, it quite possibly has already. It’s a totally confidential process and no journalist has an up to the minute update to give us. They haven’t had one from a source in months. Yet look at all the bollocks written. Also, do not get upset by other journos and politicians linked to Qatar. They will write their lies regardless. Just wait until the season is over and there will be movement then.
  14. 4 pages left of this shit show. I suggest not opening up a new thread until it’s done. Which will be after Sunday. Everyone needs to relax. It will happen.
  15. I still think this will happen but the sponsorship deal raises many questions. For one, the club an Islamic kingdom wants to buy having a sponsor on the shirt which is a gambling company do not go hand in hand. Honestly I thought they would be the first thing to go.
  16. Shearer had a big part to play in him coming here. You really have to question his judgement of character. He spent enough time in the England setup to figure out what an odious little cunt the chap was.
  17. I’m tellin ya. They’re just waiting until this shit show of a thread reaches 1000 pages. A thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters.
  18. Weird game. Whoever wins, both teams win. A draw doesn’t do either any good.
  19. Dr Jinx


    As a footballer, what is he? He’s not a winger, not a striker, not really a forward actually. What did we buy?
  20. This capitulation at the end of the season is the best thing that could have happened to be honest. Any slight notions the new owners may have had about actually giving this eejit a chance will have evaporated. It’s imperative that he’s moved on as soon as possible once the season is finished.
  21. Lazarro already done more in 5 minutes than Yedlin did the 55 he was on.
  22. How is Yedlin in ahead of Lazaro? I’m really starting to dislike Schär. He’s cost us a few goals since he’s been back in the side. That couldn’t be arsed back tracking after he’d lost the ball boils my piss. I mean, regardless of what happens, he’s playing for his future, either a move away or to convince new owners he’s good enough. He doesn’t give a shite.
  23. To put this forum out of its incessant relentless misery and mindbending circular discussions about whether a takeover will happen or not I get that, obviously and I’ve had my doubts too. We’ve had to weather a full blown media campaign against the club, supporters and our new owners. What should have been sheer joy has soured over the weeks. But I’m firmly in the camp that this is happening. It’s just a matter of time. Now if this was dragging on through a transfer window I’d feel differently. But apart from your above point, it makes no real difference to us and the club if the takeover happens today or in 3 weeks. Am 100% confident now compared to 50/50 a month ago.
  24. I’ll be very surprised if they announce it before the last game is played. At this stage what would be the point?
  25. They say there’s no deadline for the process etc but I don’t believe that for a minute. The PL will be looking to get as much as they can before the transfer window opens. They (both sides) will want to have things in place before then. I’m guessing the 4 remaining games of the season will happen before the takeover does. I’m fairly relaxed about that anyway, what could they get done before then? Plus with the season tapering out under Bruce, I think the timing will be like a fresh start once it’s done. They’ll replace Bruce. I reckon Poch is just waiting for the nod, the agreement is already in place and maybe for a few players too. It would be naive to think they haven’t been doing a tap? ?‍♂️
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