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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. The media in general won’t tackle the bigger issue (governments readily happy to take their money for bombs and jets) so we’re going to have to get used to being a focus of their faux outrage. I don’t personally agree with how they do things over there but it doesn’t effect me. There’s terrible things happening all over the world. It’s not my responsibility or burden. Let them write what they feel they need to. Things will eventually go back to normal and they’ll run out of steam.
  2. Are we having a wobble today? Have no fear. It’s happening. It’s in motion. The only entity that can screw this up now is the Premier League.
  3. It’s basically just a bunch of bitch journalists who are all salty because they knew nothing of this the whole time. It took some astute fanatic on Twitter to uncover the companies house stuff which ultimately was the story in itself. I would even say Caulkin was kept in the dark over this one, mostly. He kept his powder dry which gave the aura that he knew all along but I have my doubts. Whoever leaked the story to the WSJ could well have fucked this whole thing up, thank god clear heads prevailed and the pandemic situation also twisted Ashleys arm.
  4. Didn’t he say the coronavirus was a whole panic over nothing about 2 months ago?
  5. It’ll be done and then the Crown Prince will rock up and be like
  6. The grandad collar shirt ran for 2 seasons. Was the perfect design.
  7. I’d be excited to see what they choose to do with the shirt (and sponsor) for next season. As far as am aware, nothing was signed with Puma yet so anyone else could come in and design something quickly.
  8. Essentially yes. It’s total guesswork as to how the deal is constructed but it’s well into its process now. Once the PL have done their checks which indeed does seem a formality, they can make the required payment and it will all be done. What we don’t know is if it’s a clean break, or will Ashley still have some sort of contract on the club shop. There’s bound to be some hidden nasty we haven’t seen yet.
  9. Yes Rafa in a heartbeat but I don’t think it will play out like that. He’s got 2 years left on his Chinese contract if I remember correctly. We can hope though. I honestly don’t know enough about Allegri to have confidence he’d be good in the PL. Conte I like but why would he leave his current role? Poch did great last year but something wasn’t right at Spurs this season, that would be a concern that he lost the dressing room after having a season like the year before.
  10. So to summarise what’s happened over the last few days. They came to an agreement on the price. The Reubens lent Amanda Staveley the money for the deposit. The deposit went to St James Holdings. We assume the deeds to the club are held within this. The agreement essentially sees St James Holdings being turned over to PCP on provision that the balance is paid by an agreed date. The joint venture company made amendments to show that they (Reubens, Staveley have 50% each) All these companies set up have appointed directors in the last few days. Either accountants of other people who have worked with the Reubens. Mike Ashley hasn’t really done anything. There’s been no activity on his side of things other than to shorten the accounting period of his companies. There’s no movement on all the other companies that Lee Charnley is director of, yet. We’re told the owner/directors test has started. Seems like it’s all still a few weeks away from being finalised?
  11. I think Fun88 would not sit well with the whole Muslim and gambling thing. They will be gone well before Steve Bruce is.
  12. The view will always be relative. None of us can endorse the human rights abuses that Saudi have committed but at the same time Saudi haven’t taken the soul out of Newcastle like Mike Ashley did. There will never be rational thinking here. I’m not saying it’s right but it’s how it is. Get in a charismatic manager and some fancy players and people will soon stop talking about that side of it and we can all enjoy decent football again in blissful ignorance. If any supporters from clubs that aren’t currently dominating their respective leagues claim they would act otherwise, they are lying. Man Utd supporters were crying out for this deal and now that it’s happened for us it’s all “thank god they didn’t buy us” Fucking hypocrites
  13. I’m ecstatic that this is happening, maybe a little cautious at the same time. I remember feeling this sort of bravado when Ashley bought us.. “a billionaire you say!?” We we’re supposed to be the next force in the premier league. 13 years on and I’m cynical, don’t nearly enjoy football as much and have a resentment that this parasite took my prime years of supporting this club and made them miserable. I’m not too old to get back into it. 40, still plenty of life left in me but would I be going to European games when they happen? Probably not.. it wouldn’t have been a question even when I was in my 20’s and 30’s.. I’d have been there. Ashley took all that from me, from us (of a certain age group) I want to see how things play out with this lot but they will get the benefit of the doubt. I hope we don’t turn into a bunch of entitled fuckers regarding signing players. We should appreciate every positive thing that happens the club from this point and give them time. They will make a few mistakes along the way.
  14. The document mentions 21 days that the deposit is safe for? Does this mean he transfers SJH (the loan) to PCP on the provision that the deal is completed within that time frame, if it’s not then she loses the 13m deposit? So if the documents were signed on the 9th April that would take us up until the end of this month (30th April) which is the likely timeframe that this will be completed in.
  15. Ugh. Loves a slide tackle. Rafa seemed to rate him for some reason. Probably the good work ethic. Willems coming into the team showed us what an actual decent left back could do so since then I’m totally ambivalent to him being in the squad. He’s not shit but he’s nothing special either. We’ve had a few defenders who’ve been happy to just be playing for us. Andy O’Brien, Mike Williamson, Steven Taylor etc (maybe Fernandez might fit into that bracket too) and then the moment they leave they find their actual level which is a league below. Dummett might very well be one of those.
  16. Journos with ticks. Have a look at page 1 of the Mike Ashley thread. I do believe it’s going to happen but I don’t think it’s imminent. Nobody knows jack shit about this which is why I think it’s real this time.
  17. He goes under the radar but he’s solid. Doesn’t affect a game in the way Schär or Lejeune can (they they are playing well) but overall he’s more consistent. Worth his place in the side currently. Will be one of the first to move on if a takeover ever happens. Model pro though, never hear a peep about him off the pitch.
  18. It could be. If he pinched his from Bobby Ewing ?
  19. So could PIF/Reubens/Stavely for that matter, but for the same reason they won't, MIke Ashley won't let go either. Newcastle is a more attractive club, I don't know whether it's the geography, that it's a one club city, or just the Keegan effect. The only other club I think comes close is Leeds. It’s a few things, an already decent stadium. Big local fanbase. And yes the Keegan/SBR effect where a new investor knows the club can compete if the right things are in place. As far as PIF are concerned, they don’t really care about that. They want to appear in a good light globally as they push their nation as a benefactor in sports. Any profits the club would make would be small change to them. They would have preferred Man Utd but that’s obviously a no go. We’re still a massive club in many people’s eyes. A debatable point imho, we’ve won nothing in decades. The biggest point is that the club could be bigger than most of the other premier league teams. Certainly on a par with Arsenal, Spurs, Chelsea etc.
  20. That’s just a rehash of a spurious rumour from earlier in the week. It claimed that the Saudis want Allegri as manager and he has a condition that his first signing would be Mauro Icardi who’s currently on loan from Inter to PSG. The Italian journo who made the claim though has been correct about a couple of big managerial appointments before which is the only reason this hasn’t been filed under Indykaila type Twitter nonsense
  21. He could easily buy another team in the PL or say for example, one of the bigger clubs in the Championship and just replicate what he’s done here. Same result. Promotion, mid table mediocrity, relegation, rinse and repeat. Some clubs fans might even be happy with that.
  22. Who gets emotional if something doesn’t happen within 2 days of a story breaking. They haven’t agreed a final deal but that’s coming. The PL know and will be prepared to do their checks. Relax man, if this does happen it will be another month, add pandemic to the issue and it could go on longer. I believe the end is nigh for Ashley. It’s happening. There’ll be no football until next September/October anyway.
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