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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. We knew this already though. It’s one of those, we had to ask situations given his contact with AS in the first instance. But they’d have known he’s 100% loyal to a contract. It’s shite because he’s the perfect fit for a massive project like this, but it’s all about timing. If they (the consortium) didn’t know this was going to go ahead until the start of last week, he can’t have known anything they didn’t before that. I’ll still be hoping he receives a massive welcome when Everton come here. You never know, things might align for a return further down the line.
  2. He’s made everything about himself at every opportunity. Even on the day of the takeover he was giving his “woe is me, some people on the internet said mean things” shtick. It’s as pathetic as his management skills. He’ll never get a bigger job and it could very well be his last job at the top level, you’d have thought he would have at least tried to make the best of it but he seems to have gone out of his way to do the bare minimum this season. Taking a fucking holiday a few weeks into the season. He might not be the worst manager we’ve had statistically, but I can’t recall hating any as much.
  3. Conte, premier league experience? Check, a natural winner? Yes. His English is limited but enough to convey a message across. I’m not sure if he’s a long term appointment but he would steer the ship in the right direction which is what we need. At the end of the day, this squad is in real danger of taking us down and there needs to be a serious patch up job between now and January when we can bring in a few reinforcements. We have some good players but it’s so disjointed, we need someone who can identify exactly the type of player who will make our existing ones perform better.
  4. I’m not sure where that figure came out of, probably from Bruce himself! Final year of his contract with no clause mentioned that anything gets triggered. It’ll be less than 3 million and he should count himself very lucky to be getting it, the absolute charlatan
  5. The fuss will die down, I don’t recall Chelsea supporters ever having to answer for Roman Abramovich’s link to Putin or dodgy business dealings but Man City certainly got a bit, probably nowhere near as much as what we will over the next few months. It’s 80% people who just have a gripe with the wealth, a quick scan of peoples Twitter timelines shows human rights or even the Khashoggi murder were things they never thought to mention before. But now they are experts on the matter? Im not uncomfortable at all with it because I believe PIF are separate enough, Yasir Al-Rumayyan is the one in charge here and he’s extremely capable, sure is he doing a good job for the Prince? Yes of course but MBS knows this man will do a far better job than his personally interfering would ever do which is why he’ll stay out of it. Not even sure he’ll make an appearance at SJP, at least not until things really quieten down
  6. She’s hardly going to trash any player we currently have in our squad. I can tell she knows more about football than the previous lot. None of the things that are obvious to us will have gone unnoticed with her or her husband either.
  7. I’d be very surprised if this version of nufc will allow Bruce to be any part of their beginning. I think he’s gone by Monday or Tuesday. Then they’ll announce a new manager a day or two later. It could be anyone, that’s the amazing thing. The conversations before were always “but who would come here” now anyone is attainable. A manager who hasn’t already fallen out with many players would be ideal.
  8. I’d imagine his shirt collar feels rather tight. They must owe close to a billion on their stadium, now no super league and the prospect of playing Champions League again is looking remote. Plus covid probably affected them more than any other club, they needed bums in seats the last 18 months before this season started.
  9. I’ll tell you why, last Wednesday they were backed into a corner during that Jurisdiction hearing. The 3 chairs took in the evidence along with everything else that’s been disclosed up to now. They will have given the PL notice that they would have indeed lost not only the hearing but the case overall so just go and settle. By the weekend both legal teams worked out a way so that every party came out of it saving face. This whole thing about legally binding assurances? They had that to begin with. The PL backed down in spectacular fashion. It’s a huge loss for them. AS was in Newcastle on Monday or Tuesday, by that time the funds had been transferred to Ashley. Few last minute checks and singing of contracts and here we are now. The PL never wanted to allow the takeover but they simply didn’t have a choice in the end and I think Staveley was incredibly diplomatic in thanking them for their hard work in reaching a resolution, there’s no way it was amicable. All this virtue signalling from other clubs and other supporters. As if they really care about human rights, they care about their clubs ability to win things and it’s about to be seriously threatened.
  10. I was expecting to see plenty of virtue signalling by supporters of other clubs and boy did the bindippers deliver. RAWK is a hoot.
  11. Like watching a president address the nation. She’s great.
  12. Finally!! It’s over, this must feel like when a country overthrows a dictator ? I can breathe once again. ⚫️⚪️
  13. I hadn’t realised Conte was a free agent. Get it done. He left Inter over transfer strategy, or lack of one.
  14. I’d say all of the firings will just be a footnote of the club statement whenever it happens. Something about the board putting their own structures in place and thank you very much etc.
  15. Someone short term who will keep us up and then the real project can start in the summer. I don’t think any top manager will come in while we’re in such a mess, and we are. We’re better than the results have been (I mean squad) but it’s still a very tough job to get that right. One or two decent signings in January would help massively
  16. Get fucked you absolute silage heap
  17. This sort of reminds me of that South Park episode about World of Warcraft, when they finally defeat the weirdo and it’s all like “what do we do now?” “Well now we can start playing the game”
  18. No, they did that because it was part of a separate arbitration based on the WTO’s findings. They've been sorting their gripes out for months now so this was always bound to happen.
  19. Yeah it seems to be real this time. I’d say it could have been a case of the Bein thing and maybe both the PL and Newcastle got word of a ruling our way in the CAT case, so they just backed off if Ashley agreed not to seek damages? Everything seems to be moving very quickly.
  20. About 4 hours late to the party, it all feels just a bit too positive, been burned so many times, I’m going to wait a bit and see what happens for my own mental health. Think the price of the club is going to be an issue, at least, negotiations won’t be straight forward, Ashley is hardly going to be happy about losing out on several million. Which in a sense is not his fault but then at same time it’s very much his fault. He could be negotiating for a far higher price if he’d actually done anything with this club for the last few years.
  21. Someone had a 90k bet yesterday that Bruce would be next to go..
  22. It would be better to run a campaign to get every Newcastle supporter that follows him on Twitter to 1) unfollow him and 2) block him so that his analytics for Twitter go down the toilet. I already reckon there’s a reluctance to click on the Telegraph when his name is attached, that could be why some other chap was reporting on us for them during the week. I don’t wish career/financial ruin on anyone but he’s basically knowingly gaslighting us for £££, so fuck him.
  23. See here’s the conundrum, if I knew the takeover was totally dead and unlikely to ever happen again, I’d be wanting Bruce to stay on, take every bit of what’s coming his way and like mentioned before watch him be absolutely broken by the time Rafa comes here. The stadium singing his name in unison for basically 90 mins would be enough to break him forever. Thats how much I dislike him. We’ve had shit managers before but none have ever told the supporters that our expectations are too high. Like basically saying, “I know I’m shit but so are you so get used to it” Now the flip side of that is if we somehow get a win in January with arbitration, the takeover won’t happen if it’s already highly unlikely we stay up. This is why I think he’ll get sacked, how much is Mike Ashley spending on all this legal stuff? Why would he bother doing that if the thing he’s trying to sell will be worth less than half if we get relegated?
  24. Dr Jinx


    Not a high bar but I thought he was our most effective player today.
  25. Of all the likely relegation teams we’ve had, this one is unusual, the effort is there for the most part. You can tell the players care.. it’s all on the coaching, the tactics or lack of them. Absolutely no plan b once things go against us.
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