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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. PSG were close last season, ultimately what let them down was indiscipline, despite City going behind they put it up to them and they didn’t like it one bit. Couldn’t cope with adversity, when all was needed was cool heads to keep hold of their lead. Midfield wasn’t their problem, nor was up front, it was at the back. Ramos is not the answer to that particular problem. Messi will bring a calmness up front but it’s still only papering over cracks that haven’t been fixed, imho..
  2. Dr Jinx

    Joe Willock

    The club are going to milk this transfer story for all it’s worth, it’ll take a few days to sort it all out. Personal terms are usually always sounded out with an agent before a formal offer is made.
  3. Is it student accommodation or office space that’s going in? Either way they probably were hoping for an increase in foot fall which is why they supported it. It’s never come across like a bar that’s done exceptionally well, financially I mean.
  4. Dr Jinx

    Joe Willock

    I dunno, the thing is we have good wide players, when he came here he told ASM, “cut it back to the D and I’ll be there” and that’s exactly what happened. None of our other midfield players want to do that. We have pace, we have a decent striker, but if nobody else is making runs, defenders can cope with Wilson, if Willock is also on the premises, it opens up space. It’s very hard to score goals against a well drilled defence, aside from ASM we have no other players who can force the issue like that so we rely on pulling players out of position.
  5. Can’t underestimate what an important signing it would be. The difference between having a comfortable, enjoyable season or not as they say.
  6. Some climb down isn’t it. He was full of hot air for the best part of a year, stringing goons along like the pied piper. His initial gesture was with the right intentions but the endless Twitter nonsense followed by podcasts were only ever self serving his ego. If this takeover has done anything, it’s weeded out every single one of these bellends.
  7. There’s also supposed evidence that Mossad knew about it in advance too. Nothing was done about it then, nothing will happen now. Too much time has passed, IF anything dodgy happened that day, the details have mostly been scrubbed by now.
  8. Making use his new thesaurus app
  9. “approached by new interested buyers” I think we’re seeing someone who’s mind has snapped at this point. He’s living in his own imagination.
  10. Great spot, the other one in commercial court is City obviously. Makes total sense to try and snooker them if it’s possible. This business with Hoffman might have a knock on effect too, less influential obstacles perhaps. I think we all were feeling a bit deflated last week but let’s put it in some perspective, the active arbitration and CAT cases go ahead on the assumption that the consortium are still at the table, or why else would they bother? We have to take it on faith that they are still there. We also said, well most of us when the idea of going to court was raised and was also mentioned how long it could take, we said we’d put up with 2 years of this shit if it meant Ashley being gone. A little less than 2 months and if we get a favourable ruling with jurisdiction, I honestly think the PL will then settle. That case might not be heard for another 6-12 months but you can guarantee that disclosure will be ordered soon after a ruling.
  11. I don’t see that at all. He made a big call at international level when he was a kid basically. Stayed loyal to a Villa side that were basically us or worse for quite a while and improved as a player and built up his physique to cope with top level as he was a real skinny lad a few years ago. Is he worth a 100m? No idea, but being the most fouled player in the league consistently tells it’s own story.
  12. Mitch is a legend that matters? What in the actual fuck is happening on the internet? Who are these people? Where did they come from? What do they want? How can we make them go away?
  13. Nout wrong with that! That kit was lush apart from the awful sponsor logo
  14. I honestly think he’s deliberately doing a worse job because he wants out with a pay off. He’ll look after a few of his buddies on the way out the door, maybe some players he had before, one last decent contract type thing while giving the ok to sell off anything decent we have.
  15. If he was to leave that would probably deter Willock from coming back. I don’t really want to jump the gun as it could just be a case of him catching a cold and then being told to isolate. Losing him would be a hard one to take.
  16. If any of the “big 6” clubs did indeed actively try and block a takeover and the PL listened and did their bidding, isn’t that by it’s own merit a slam dunk case of anti competition?
  17. Be interesting to see how Woodman does, some have suggested he’s either as good as or a better prospect than Dubravka. But back to the CB signing.. I’d love to get in a room and tear strips off every single person at the club involved in bringing in or sending out the playing staff. Like we had Lejeune, seemed to do well last season, fit again. A known quantity.. but yeah, let’s flog him off for nothing and then scramble around looking for rejects from other clubs. Like what does be going on in their heads? Do they know anything about the sport they are involved in?
  18. I wouldn’t have a problem with it in the sense that I know that would never happen. None of us are unrealistic enough to think that KSA wouldn’t have some sort of hopes for how this takeover would have panned out, The thing is, MBS, and his ministry. They are not the brightest. It wouldn’t be all that good if they were heavily involved. PIF are a different matter. They have very bright minds making decisions. I haven’t a doubt they would entrust the investment to people who would guarantee it being a success.
  19. Let’s not forget? How could we? We’ve had a very small amount of actual info discovered/released, talked about, then recycled and talked about all over again pretty much for 2 years non stop, 3-4 if you take in the bollocks that was BZG. There’s only so many ways you can analyse this info. We’ve been repeating ourselves for a long time now. The podcast chumps are peak waffle right now, it’s exactly what we don’t need.
  20. My apathy is kept to the owner and management. Knowing that the PL are the ones fucking us now as well as Mike Ashley sort of adds resolve to how am going to approach the season. I’m wanting us to win more than ever just to stick it to the corrupt bastards. I really want to see the whole institution of the League pyramid burnt to the ground.
  21. Blackmail who though? If Tottenham had done that, there’s absolutely zero proof that this was a reason why the PL failed to make a decision or obstructed the completion of the takeover. It just makes Tottenham look bad, and they’ve already had the fan revolt over the ESL idea and survived it. It would help with the CAT case perhaps but hard to tell. You would think if this info existed, it would already have been a part of the evidence submitted. Like what are they waiting for? Keith smells like a septic tank he’s so full of shite.
  22. Aye right, he’s just sitting on this evidence for a rainy day like. What an absolute fantasist!
  23. Any links to this aside from the radio?
  24. Regarding the question of Staveley and the Reubens going it alone, I think AS was quoted before, or a close associate mentioned to the press that there is a solidarity between the 3 consortium members. They won’t go it alone while each of them have an interest still. This is exactly what you’d want to see though, what would it say about the working relationship if one or two of them suddenly left for a quicker deal. And this part is a guess but I would also imagine seeing the level of resistance they’ve faced and also seeing the level of support from Newcastle supporters, it won’t have gone unnoticed on any of them, even PIF. They’ll stay at the table until there’s literally no course of action left to take.
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