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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. It’s a strange one with Caulkin, I don’t actively dislike him at all but he’s either not got his finger on the pulse anymore or more likely, he knows exactly how shit Steve Bruce is but is afraid to damage their little friendship by writing the truth. That’s something there’s no going back from.
  2. is that a director with a small d?
  3. In years previously he never really made much impression on me at all. I suspect that was the case for most people and his articles were not clicked on all that much. Then the penny dropped that he could make a career out of pissing off the local fan base and it’s been working for him ever since. I doubt he’s even pals with Bruce, it just works for him to have us think that. He’s basically just a mediocre journo that’s not on the naughty step as far as the club are concerned. Which is not a badge of honour. I suspect there’s a certain amount of self loathing going on with him because of this which is why he gets baited on Twitter so often.
  4. And am I correct in thinking that Mike Ashley signed the agreement on behalf of himself and not SJHL, or that they were supposed to sign up to the rules but they didn’t. Its pretty straight forward, what Jowell is saying, if they didn’t sign up to the rules, they can’t be bound by them.
  5. This might be a thick question but how can the same company (Blackstone Chambers) be representing both us and the PL? Adam Lewis is there and so is Nick DeMarco. It’s just really weird.
  6. You’d have to think they’ve done enough there to let this continue, whether or not it’s going to be delayed we don’t know. The bigger the delay the more the damages will be. Jowell said, that we fear the arbitration may not even start in January which was what got Lewis animated, I think it was a subtle dig which he quickly apologised for, all designed to put pressure on the PL to stick to their word. It’s obviously an issue that’s rumbling away in the background. The CAT won’t start in earnest until after the 3rd January anyway but that’s not the point, if the court rule that this goes ahead, the PL won’t allow all that evidence to even be summarised in public. I think they instruct the arbitration to make a deal, then the CAT case goes away. Either way, it will be mid January at the very earliest before a takeover can happen if they stick to arbitration as the vessel to settle.
  7. Was interesting watching De Marco’s eyes tighten up and his brain go into overdrive when the chair questioned the damages, it knocked Jowell off stride for a few minutes but he’s recovered well and seems to have a solid argument on his counter claims to the PL case, if they weren’t the chair would have interrupted him more.
  8. No and the court won’t entertain that angle, it’s to highlight the discrepancy of only applying their rules to some clubs and not others. Which makes his argument of “we all signed up to the rules” look absolutely absurd, which it is
  9. My thoughts when the judge asked him was his point going to take long was that he’s getting annoyed listening to the waffle. I also think their QC has made a mistake in detailing the structure of how NUFC is set up, by trying to prove a point. If he loses this jurisdiction challenge, surely that would open the door for our side to detail the structure of say, Man City as evidence of a club that has a person of influence who isn’t deemed a director? Also we did seem to have a win so far in that the judge threw out the confidentiality thing by just saying, tailor your argument accordingly..
  10. fully agree, at least some of the details will be made public if it goes ahead.. they won’t allow that.
  11. The fat dentist annoys me more than the rest actually, his qualification to talk about the takeover on these stupid podcasts is that he lives in a place that’s similar in distance as it is from Berlin to Rome.
  12. It’s a dismal start. The thing that Mike Ashley will possibly pick up on is that we should have won that, a capable coach/manager would have known around 65/70 mins that we weren’t going to score again and made the changes to just see the game out. Was there for the taking. It’s one thing just being shit but losing points from the position we were in will be seen as failure. Total surrender mentality and anything less than a win in our next match and he’s gone I reckon.
  13. Darlow been told to hold for 1-1 obviously
  14. I reckon we have about 4 minutes of play being open. Watford will start running down the clock then and we won’t get a touch.
  15. We’re actually playing well. Joelinton and ASM linking up well at times.
  16. Dr Jinx

    Graeme Jones

    Martinez won’t go near Barca, it’s total poison that club at the minute. They’ll be lucky to finish in the top 4 the way they’re playing, you’d be mad to take that job if you have other opportunities which he will have plenty of.
  17. Dr Jinx


    If we get a takeover Fun88 wound be binned anyway so don’t see what the fuss is about. I’d expect big car manufacturers to start advertising more prominently now that electric seems to be on the verge of being mainstream?
  18. Well if it proceeds than obviously we do have a case worthy of being heard at that level. What you’re not acknowledging is that at least some or perhaps all of the evidence will be heard in the public domain, or at the very least will be published in findings, which is something the PL will want to avoid at all cost.
  19. Yes. They are trying to get it thrown out on a technicality that CAT don’t have the jurisdiction to rule against them because the other arbitration case covers essentially the same thing. However what Mike Ashley is also claiming in the CAT case is £££, the arbitration doesn’t cover damages so i can’t see how the PL win this. If it does get thrown out I’ll see it that our case is frivolous at best and wouldn’t have had a chance of winning (hence why court wouldn’t waste their time with it) which would also indicate the arbitration will go that way too. If we do win this round it will be significant. It means the court think we have a case and the reality of the PL having to pass the takeover AND pay out damages is quite possible. That’s when they shit the bed and settle imho.
  20. In terms of the takeover, would it make any difference if Ashley listed the club again on the stock exchange? Is the rules for owning a majority share any different?
  21. Slagging off other supporters for what you think they may or may not want achieves nothing, we need to be better than that. There doesn’t seem to be a thirst for protest at all within the majority of our supporters. For the rest of us who think we know better, well there’s fuck all of us really, so are we real supporters? If there’s that few of us left and 95% of the clubs support are just there for a day out and to bring the kids out, what exactly are we fighting for? A notion of the club that doesn’t exist? Do we even deserve a takeover?
  22. Dunno if anyone remembers last season when ASM was back after injury/covid, there was a video of training, and ASM being interviewed, Gayle jogs past and sarcastically mutters “The saviour of Newcastle”, thought he was an absolute bellend from that point. I’ve no time for him, or sympathy. He’s seemed happy to pick up wages and not play the last 2 seasons, what should essentially be the peak of his career.
  23. He got off light tonight. A few mutters at the end, pathetic really.
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